[Chapter 2]

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I looked the boy in the eyes. They were a blue-greenish color and he had pitch-black hair. The boy shouted something in a language that I had never heard before, and I could speak most languages with ease. I had been taught by my father, who was a businessman since I was six years old.
I could speak thirty-five languages, including Greek and Latin.
When I didn't react, the boy trusted his spear forward, only to have it meet air and a fist in his face. I had dodged the spear at the last moment and had taken advantage of my opponent's momentum.

Surprised by myself, I stared at my hands, now knowing all kinds of things about self-defense and martial arts along with stuff about sword fighting, without ever learning anything about it.
Wow. I thought. How did I do that?
Now going offensive I tried to wound the boy's right arm so that he would not be able to use it anymore.
When I charged, the boy shouted something that sounded like orders, and suddenly more people came running out of the forest.
They were all dressed similarly: a leather tunic, rabbit hide boots, and leather pants.
They were all armed with the same kind of spears as the one the boy used.
They quickly surrounded me and I saw that fighting would be no use.

After the men tied me up, they took me away, into the forest.
The walking was hard for me because I had my arms tied to the side of my body as a giant sausage roll. Because I was continuously tripping over things like roots, rocks, random patches of grass and sometimes even over my own feet we were traveling slow.
But just before dawn, after approximately two and a half hours of walking and a lot of falling, we made it to a clearing in the forest which contained a small village made of wooden and stone huts.
In the middle of the village, there was a big stone building with golden decorations on the walls.
Probably the house of their chief or mayor or however they call him. I thought.
And as I already suspected a large man stepped out onto the wooden balcony on the second floor.

The man was covered in golden jewels and was wearing a red-colored robe.
A little behind him was standing a small figure. I couldn't see his or her face though.
Then the chief spoke with a firm and booming voice: "BRING THE PRISONER FORWARD!"
I looked up in surprise. The man spoke English!
With new hope I struggled free from my guard's grip and asked;
"Where am I and why did your men attack and capture me?"
"What is your name stranger?" the chief asked.
I started to get irritated. The man didn't even bother to answer his question.
"My name is Hunter Grey, and I refuse to speak any further until these ropes are removed."
"Very well. release him."
My guards removed the ropes which finally gave me the chance to rid myself of the terrible itching on my back.
After I had dealt with that problem I started to speak:

"well, there is not very much to tell. as I already said my name is Hunter, and I am seventeen years old. I come from Trevose which is in the southwest of Great Britain."
"Wait, what is 'Great-Britain'?" the chief asked.
"Well..." I said. "It is a land far away."
"Beyond the Mist?" the chief asked puzzled. "There is nothing beyond the mist except more mist."
"Well it is where I come from, I lived there in our mansion with my parents on the cliffs near Barras Bay."
All of a sudden all the people around him looked at me in fear as if I had just turned into a hideous beast.
"Why are you all looking at me like that?' I asked. An old man answered in a shaky thin voice and broken English: "Only monsters from Mist."
I was shocked. Do they think I am a monster now? How could they?
When I looked back at the village chief he could see a little bit of fear in his eyes too.
"Well," the chief said. "Since we do not know this stranger nor his intentions, I suggest that we secure him until he can prove that he means no harm. After all, he did attack one of our finest hunters" He snapped his fingers, and before I could do anything two guards grabbed my arms and dragged me of, into the big building and down the stairs to what appeared to be a prison or dungeon.

hey guys, I am not sure how regularly I am going to update, but I am going to try to update once a week.

(side note: I am not actually from Great Britain)

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