[Chapter 23]

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I was sitting in my bedroom.
Well, my 'new' bedroom.
It had been over a week since the hooded man had told me that I was the one to take out Hunter's friend.
I had already known that I had to do it one day, but it just didn't feel right.
And now I just sat there, on my bed, fiddling with my bow.
Then the door opened and the hooded man entered.
"My Lord wants to see us."
I put down my bow and stood up.
"I'm coming father."

I still found it hard to believe that my father was the number one general of The Dark One's army.
But he was a portal opener, which made him a valuable asset.

Sometime later we were standing in front of Lord Tenibriss's throne.
I kneeled.
"My lord?" I said.
"The boy has opened the vault containing Alexander's journal, staff, and grimoire. He has also forged a connection with the Seal of Air." Lord Tenibriss said.

Wait, what? The last time I spoke with him he told me that he was struggling with the element of Air the most. I thought.

"My lord. I will stop at nothing to see him destroyed." My father said.
"NO!" Lord Tenibriss bellowed. "We still need him. Just take him here."
"But my lord..." My father tried.
"We will speak of this no further. Do as I command you Kanjigar."
My father bowed. "Yes my lord."
Lord Tenibriss waved his hand. "You are dismissed."

We left the throne room.
Dad grabbed my shoulder, stopping me in place.
With that creepy voice of his, he said, "You better have been practicing your Illusion casting kid."
"I have. With enough focus my Illusions are flawless."
"Good. I will take you to Djuren, but when you're there you are on your own."
"You're not coming with me?"
He shook his head. "No. I have other responsibilities. Now go grab your stuff.
Oh, And if you get caught, just act like you were forced into all of this."
I nodded.
I ran to my room and grabbed my bow and two full quivers of arrows.
When I returned to my father I saw a girl talking to him.
I stopped and looked at her.
"Who are you? " I asked.
"I am Cinder Caligo. I am coming with you on this mission to help. But I am also coming to save my father."
"Fine," I said. "As long as you just follow my lead."
She scoffed. "Why would I?"
I gave her a foul smile. "Because if you don't, you will have an arrow through your leg before you can even blink."
As I spoke one of my arrows embedded itself into the floor just in front of her feet.
She stepped back a step with fright on her face.
"Do you understand?" I said.
She just nodded.
"Good." I grabbed the arrow and put it back in my quiver.

"Are you two done?" My father asked impatiently.
"Yea." I replied.

My father closed his eyes and focused.
Then the air in front of me started to shimmer.
I stepped through and was met with the heat of Djuren.
Located at the edge of the desert It was no surprise that it was hot but it still made me dizzy for a moment.
I turned around and saw Cinder appear.
"All we have to do now is get into the palace. Stay close to me."
She shrugged and came closer.
"Close enough?" She asked.
I nodded and then closed my eyes, focusing.
I could feel my illusion cover us like a blanket and I opened my eyes.
"What did you do?" Cinder asked.
"I created an illusion to make us practically invisible. Just don't make any sudden movements."
She nodded and we started to make our way to the palace.


I was sitting at the dining table along with Jade and the King and Queen.
The King had invited me but had left Ayra out, which I found rather odd.
Now I just sat there awkwardly.
"Are not enjoying the food?" The Queen asked.
"No, it isn't the food. The food is delicious." I wasn't lying about that.
It was the most delicious food I had ever tasted.
"It's just, I was wondering why Ayra was not invited."
The King sighed.
"I didn't invite her because I wanted to talk to you."
"Then why is Jade here?" I asked. "Not that I don't want you here." I then quickly added.
"She is here because this matter involves her as well."
I shrugged. "Sure. What did want to talk about?"
But before the king could answer an arrow came out of nowhere hitting me in my shoulder.
I screamed in pain.
Both the Queen as Jade shrieked, and the king just looked at the arrow in shock.
Before you could say, Healer, Jade was by my side.
"This is going to hurt. A lot."
She grabbed the arrow with one hand while feeding Healing magic into me with the other.
Then she pulled.
Luckily for me, the arrow didn't have a barbed tip, or else the damage had been way worse.
With another scream from me, the arrow came loose and the wound started to close itself.
I stared at the arrow.
It looked familiar.
Then it clicked.
"Kenji" I growled.

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