[Chapter 30]

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I was on my way to Kenji.
Hunter had forbidden me to speak with him, but I just had to.
While making my way through the dungeon of the palace, I was stopped by two guards.
"You can't go near the prisoner." One said.
"On who's authority?" I demanded.
"The Champions one." The second one replied.
So Hunter has been busy. I thought.
"I'm here on his request, so you better let me through." I lied.
They looked at each other.
"Fine, you have ten minutes."
They opened the door and let me through.

I stopped at Kenji's cell.
"Kenji? Are you awake!" I asked.
A figure in the dark shot up.
"Ayra? Is that you?" The figure came closer and stood still in front of the door.
"Hunter told me that you didn't want to talk. So that is why I am here. But you better make it quick because we only have ten minutes."
"Okay," He said. "First things first. My father is alive. His name is Kanjigar and he is Lord Tenibriss's adviser and commander of his army. He never shows his face because of a terrible scar and thus always wears either a mask or a hood."
Something clicked in my head.
"Does his voice sound like steel scraping over stone?"
Kenji nodded. "Yes. How did you know that?"
"He was the one to kidnap me. He is a portal opener, right?"
Kenji nodded again.
"Do you know anything about Tenibriss that we can use against him? A weakness or exploit."
He sighed. "I can't help you with that. I don't know Lord Tenibriss that well. All I know is that he is more powerful than any Wizard, Sorcerer, or Warlock I have ever heard about."
I thought for a minute.
"Do you know something that can help us track him down?
"His headquarters is on the Shadow-Isle. But it wouldn't be smart to go there. It is infested with all kinds of monsters. You would never reach him alive. Well, Hunter would, but as a prisoner."

"Why?" I asked.
"Because Lord Tenibriss needs him for something. Alive. That was why I was here in Djuren. To capture him."
"You shot him in the shoulder!" I exclaimed.
"I had dipped the arrowhead in a very powerful sleep potion. If it wouldn't have been for the Healing, it would have sedated him for three entire days."
The door opened and one of the guards poked his head through.
"Time's up." He said.
I sighed "I will speak with you later Kenji."
I then left.


I had looked everywhere for Ayra.
She wasn't in the library, she wasn't in her room, and she wasn't in the Royal greenhouse.
She wouldn't have gone to Kenji, right. I asked myself.
For how long have you known this girl? Alexander asked.
Almost three months now. I replied.
And is going to Kenji behind your back something she would do? Alexander pushed.
I sighed. Yes. Yes, she totally would.
Then you know where she is. Alex said.
I turned around and headed toward the dungeons.
When I arrived there there were two guards, but no Ayra.
"Has any of you two seen my friend?"
"The blonde girl? She was here just a couple of minutes ago. She said that she had to speak with the prisoner on your request."
"Of course she did." I grumbled.
"Did she say where she was going after that?" I asked.
The two must have realized that Ayra had lied to them and that they had fallen for it because they all of a sudden became a lot more formal
"No my lord. She didn't"
My lord? I thought.
It is the official way to address the Champion. Alexander said.
Heh, nice. I thought.
"Very well then. Next time make sure that the people that want to speak with the prisoner actually have permission.
They both gave me a slight bow.
"Yes my lord." They said in unison.
I smirked.
I kind of liked the whole 'my lord' thing.

I decided to check Ayra's room again.
And I was right.
I knocked and Ayra's voice sounded, "Come in."
When I opened the door I saw her sitting on her bed.
"Hunter. What are you doing here?"
She asked when she saw it was me.
"Asking why you went to see Kenji."
"I don't have to tell you that. All you need to know is that I got some information."
This got me curious.
"What kind of information?"
"I know that Tenibriss's headquarters is on the Shadow-Isle and that he needs you for something."
"For what?" I asked.
"Kenji didn't know all he knew is that you had to be alive."
"Can you get some more out of him?"
I asked.
"No." She said.
"Why not?"
"Because you forbid me to talk to him." She said with a smirk on her face.
I laughed. "I deserved that one. You can go whenever you want. Just be careful that he doesn't try to manipulate you."
She nodded. "I will."
"Oh and I almost forgot. Jade is awake."
"Really? That is great. How is she feeling?"
"Weak, but fine." I said. "I was planning on going to the kitchen to get something for her. At the moment she is asleep but I bet that when she is awake she will be hungry. In the meantime, I will be at the training grounds if you need me."
With that, I left her alone with a smile on her face.

(very old) the Seals of Elements (discontinued for now)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora