[Chapter 40]

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I looked at the creature, still in shock.
I had never seen anything like it nor read anything about something remotely close to it.
I then looked at Hunter.
His arms were covered in bandages.
The medic had arrived a couple of minutes ago.
I felt completely powerless not being able to help him, but at least he was fine for now.
I looked at Kenji and Ayra.
They were sitting next to each other.
They were obviously head over heels for each other, though they won't admit it.
So to get rid of all the stress I decided to mess with them a little.
Okay, maybe not the best way to react after you have just been attacked by a monster from the Void, but I really had to get rid of some stress.
I walked over to them.
"So... How are you two love birds doing?" I asked.
"What?" Ayra half-shouted, going beet red. "W-we're not... Kenji and I are just... It's not like that."
"Yeah." Kenji added, also beet red, but with somewhat of a sad face. "We, We're just friends."
I shrugged with a big grin on my face. "Shure. If you say so."
Now Hunter came over.
"What are you guys talking about?" he asked.
"Nothing!" Ayra said a little too quickly.
"Shure..." He said.
"How are your arms?" Kenji then asked, changing the subject.
He looked down. "They hurt. A lot. The medics said that I won't be able to fight for quite some time."
I gave him an encouraging smile. "Don't worry. You're going to be fine."
All of a sudden I saw a bright light to my right.
"Oh, hi Aphelion." I said.
He flashed orange. "Hello everyone."
Hunter looked at Aphelion curiously. "Where have you been the last couple of weeks?"
Aphelion turned a pale grey. "My wings have been coming through. I have been spending my time with other pixies."
I took another look at him.
I could indeed see two green butterfly-like wings.
"If you didn't have wings before, how did you fly?" Hunter asked.
Aphelion let out a high-pitched sigh. "I already had wings, but they were shrouded by light and were so small you could barely see them. Now that I have entered adulthood, I have adult wings."
"Makes sense." Hunter said.
"What is a Void Stalker doing here?" Aphelion then asked out of nowhere.
"It tried to attack the King, Queen, and Jade. and it ended up clawing open my arms." Hunter said.
 "How did you know what that thing is. I have never seen or read anything about it."
Aphelion made a horizontal loop in the air, his way of shrugging. "I just know. Just like I know that the beast waiting outside the courtroom is a Shadow hound."
The sound of father clearing his throat then interrupted our conversation.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" He began.
Everyone in the room turned to look at him.
"As we were saying before this horrifying interruption, the Council has decided to give Kenji Fletcher his freedom under the condition of him being watched by either Hunter Grey or one of his companions. If, of course, they are willing to agree to these terms."
Ayra stepped forward. "I agree with these terms. I will take it upon me to watch over Kenji and make sure that he doesn't try anything."
"Then it is settled" Councilwoman Altum said. "You are all free to leave, though I would like to have a word with young master Grey."
"Can I stay as well?" I asked.
"Of course. I don't see why not. You are the princess of Akeridia after all."
Kenji was rid of his cuffs and he messaged his wrists.
Then he looked at the guard that had been keeping watch.
"Can I have my bow back? I made it myself and it is the only thing truly mine."
The guard looked over to father, but before dad could say anything I answered, "Give it to him."
The guard now started to fiddle with his hands.
"As you wish, your Highness, but we raffled it among the archers. It was a fine bow."
"You did what?" Kenji shouted, but I stopped him.
"Then go get the archer who has it and get it back."
The man bowed and left.
"Thank you." Kenji said.
"You saved my life, so now we are even."
He smiled and left together with Ayra.
Then the rest of the council left as well as mom and dad, leaving us alone with Councilwoman Altum.
Hunter was the first one to speak, "Are you a descendant of Atlanta Altum?"
Altum nodded. "I am. I am also aware that my ancestor trained the last Champion of Magnus. Which is the reason why I wanted to speak to you. I see that you have yet to master the Elements of Water and Fire. I am willing to offer you to become my student. if you can come to Atlantis I can train you so you can forge a connection with the Seal of Water."
"Can't you train him here?" I asked.
 Miranda looked at me. "I could, but Water magic is stronger in Atlantis than here, which would make his training a lot easier."
"What about my Fire magic? Wouldn't that be weaker there?" Hunter asked.
Miranda shook her head. "No. In fact, Councilman Caligo also lives in Atlantis. He had decided not to come because of the recent betrayal his brother had committed."
"Nox has a brother?" Hunter asked.
"Yes. Twin brother to be exact. And just like his brother, Taruk is a very strong Fire wielder."
Hunter looked at me.
"If you go, I'm coming with you." I said.
He nodded. "I appreciate that, but I need some time to think about it."
He looked Councilwoman Altum in the eyes. "I really appreciate the offer, but it is a little much right now."
Altum stood up and placed her hand on Hunter's shoulder. "I understand. I won't leave for another week, so you have some time to think about it."
Hunter nodded and also stood up. "Thanks again for the offer."
They shook hands and we left the courtroom.
Outside I asked, "Are you going to do it? The training could really help you."
He sighed and said, "I know, but I need time to think. I will be in my room if you need me."
With that, he left, leaving me alone in the hallway.

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