[Chapter 26]

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I stared at Hunter as he walked away.
I knew he was right but my mind didn't to except Kenji as an evil person.
He has been so kind tome ever since I met him.
And not just to me but also to Hunter.
What could make him change like that?
I thought.
I decided to take Hunter's advice and went to look for Jade.
On way, I came across a servant and I asked, "Have you seen the Princess?"
The girl nodded. "She is in the King's study and we got the order to not interrupt them."
"Thank you. I will wait then."
I was about to walk away but stopped when I saw something on the floor.
"Is this yours?" I said to the servant as she was about to walk away.
I picked up the earring.
The girl looked at it and shook her head.
"No. It looks way too expensive for it to be of one of the servants."
I took a closer look at it.
It looked very familiar.
"Anything else I can do for you?" The girl asked.
"No, you can go. Thanks for the help."
"It's kind of my job to help but, your welcome."
She gave me a little bow and left.
Sliding the earring in my pocket, I made my way to the King's study.

When I arrived there I just saw Jade exit.
She looked a lot better than first, but now also a little angry.
"Hey, Jade? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I said as she was about to leave.
She turned around and shrugged.
"Sure. What is it"
"It's about Kenji. Hunter just told me about how he attacked you during that night I was taken and attacked Hunter today. I do believe Hunter, but there are still so many questions in my head. And I think I upset Hunter."
"Let's go somewhere private okay?"
Jade suggested.

She led me through the hallways and opened a door.
She gestured me to come in.
I stepped in and was amazed by all the books.
They were all about magic, pixies, and similar monsters.
"Welcome to my study. Pardon for the mess but I am the only one that comes here. So, you wanted to talk about Kenji." She said, sitting down on a chair.
I leaned against the wall, looking to my feet.
"Yeah. I was curious, did he say anything to you when he attacked you?"
She slowly nodded. "Yes, he did. He asked me to tell Hunter that he was sorry."
This made me look up and at Jade.
"He did?" I asked.
"Yeah. And now I think of it, I never told Hunter that he said that."
"Why didn't you?" I urged.
She looked down, thinking.
"I don't know. I think that it just slipped my mind. But in all fairness, we did have more important things to worry about. Mainly you."
Yes, that's true. I thought.
"Speaking of you, how are you doing?
I can imagine that being locked up in a dark, dusty room for two days can be pretty scary."
"It was," I said. "But I have had a whole week to overcome it, though I am still having nightmares."
"Yeah, I understand." She simply said.
"I could ask Aphelion if he can give you some nice dreams in the coming weeks."
"That would be great." I said.
Jade stood up.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"I'm going to check on Hunter. You said that you upset him, and I want to make sure he doesn't blow up anything important."
I chuckled.
Then I remembered the earring.
I took it out of my pocket
"Does this look familiar to you? I found it in the hallway and it looked somewhat familiar to me."
She took a closer look. "Yes, it does, but it isn't mine not my mother's. But I don't remember where I had seen it before."
I put it back in my pocket. "Good luck with finding Hunter. I'm going back to the library. I need to think."
She just nodded. "I will tell Aphelion to visit you this evening."
We both left the study, heading our own ways.


The first place I checked was his room.
It was empty.
Then I checked the training grounds
I already heard him before I saw him.
When I rounded the corner I was met with a true light show.
He was hurling one lightning bolt after another at a target.
The soldiers and guards were looking at him.
His hands were moving so fast that I could barely see them.
Then with an angry scream, he shot one last strand of lightning.
The target exploded and so did the piece of the wall it was resting against.
The guards went wild.
Some cheered and yelled while some just gasped.
I walked over to Hunter.
He was panting hard, his forehead sweaty.
I grabbed his shoulder.
He spun around.
"How long have you been here?"
"Just a couple of seconds" I responded.
"What do you want?" He asked still slightly angry.
"Nothing," I said, chuckling. "Just checking if you are not blowing up anything important. Ayra thought that she upset you."
He dipped his head down.
"She didn't. I'm just mad at myself for not telling her earlier."
I looked at him.
I always had liked him, but since almost losing him after our confrontation with Nox I came to see him in a different light.
Aphelion had been teasing me for days when had read my emotions for Hunter.
And that I had kissed him on the cheek earlier today had not only surprised him.
"Don't be." I said to him. "Just give her some time."
"I know but..." He started.
But I interrupted him. "No. Just go get some rest. Tomorrow is yet another day."

Then Ayra came running out of the palace.
In her hand she the earring she had found.
"Hunter, I need you to take a look at this. Does it look familiar?"
Hunter took the earring in his hand.
"Yes. This is Cinder's earring. She always wore those. Where did you find this?"
I took another look.
He was right.
How did I not see that? I asked myself.
"In the hallway." Ayra answered Hunter.
"Then Cinder was the second attacker. It makes sense. She could be helping Kenji to get revenge for her father."
Hunter concluded.
Then he closed his eyes for a couple of seconds.
"Alexander says that he has a tracking spell in his grimoire." He said, opening his eyes.
"Then we can use it to find them. Let's just hope that they are still close."
I said.
I looked at the sun.
It had only been a couple of hours since it had been at its highest, so we had plenty of time left.
"Do you think you have enough magic for another confrontation?" I asked Hunter.
He nodded. "Yeah. I still have plenty. The extra power that the connection with the Seal has given really helps."
"Then go get the grimoire and prepare the spell. We are going after them."
I said, determination filling my voice.

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