[Chapter 27]

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I made my way to my room to retrieve the grimoire.
I had hidden it in the back of my closet.
After I had retrieved the grimoire, I made my way to the library.
There Jade and Ayra were waiting.
I placed the grimoire on the table and opened it.
So where is that spell? I asked Alexander.
It was one of the first spells I made, so it won't be that hard to find. He answered
I started to slowly flip through the pages.
That one. Alexander said.
Luckily the instructions were written in English.

"Place the object you want to use into a bronze bowl.
Then add twenty grams of pulverized shadow-blossom leaves and thirteen drops of Warlocks blood.
Lastly chant the spell three times."

I looked at it.
"Where are we going to find these things?" Ayra asked.
"The Warlock blood is easy. We just take some from you, Hunter."
"Why me?" I asked.
"Because Jade is a sorceress and you are a Warlock." Ayra said as if it was obvious.
"And what is the difference?"
"A Sorcerer or Sorceress generates its own magic limiting them in the amount of magic they can use. But a Warlock or Witch absorbs magic from its surrounding. When they perfect their control over this ability, they can use almost unlimited amounts of magic." Jade said.
"Okay. So how does one perfect their control over this ability?" I asked.
Jade sighed. "Later. I will go and get the Shadow blossom from the garden and one of you two can get a bronze bowl from the kitchen. Just say it is for a project of mine, they will ask no further questions. Oh and we at going to need a needle of something."
"Shadow-Cleaver." Ayra and I said in unison.

Half an hour later we had everything we needed.
Ayra put the earring in the bowl and jade covered it with the Shadow blossom powder.
Then I made a small cut in my hand and let the blood flow into the bowl, counting.
At thirteen I pulled away from the bowl and let Jade heal the wound.
It left a little scar, but I didn't mind.

Now I summoned Alexander's staff (which I really have to give a name)
And held the top above the bowl.
"invenire dominus eius" I said.
The stone of the staff started to glow.
"invenire dominus eius" I repeated.
Now the entire mix in the bowl started to glow too.
"invenire dominus eius" I said for the third time.
Get ready to run. Alexander warned. It's about to go.
I warned the others and turned the staff back into its wristband form.
The earring was now vibrating and shot into the air, glowing bright blue.
It just hovered there in front of our faces for a couple of seconds, as if looking for the fastest route.
Then it shot towards the door.
"Quick! Don't let it get out of your sight!" I shouted, running after it.
It shot into the hallway, with us three close behind.
We followed it out of the palace and into the city.
There we lost it out of our sight for a couple of seconds.
But confused shouts from further down the street let us know where it was.
"Let's just hope that they are still in Djuren." I said to myself.


We were sitting in a little shack on the edge of the city.
"How are we going to explain our failure to Lord Tenibriss?" I asked Cinder.
She had bought a little mirror and was busy unpacking it.
She shrugged. "I don't know. Just tell him the truth. I heard he is liars on sight, so lying is not an option."
She looked into her mirror.
"D'arvit!" She cursed.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I lost one of my favorite earrings."
I stood up angry. "We just failed our mission and that is what you are worried about?!"
"Yes! It was from my mother. It was the last gift she gave me. She died two months later."
I sat down. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."
She shrugged again. "Doesn't matter. Now when are we going to get picked up?"
She now looked at me. "This is the right build, right?"
"It is. I made sure it is." I said.
"My father is going to lock onto my unique magical signature. To strengthen it I have created an illusion around the house. Well... shack. So a portal will open any minute. It hasn't been sundown yet."
"No," she said. "But it is twilight outside already."
"Just have patience."


We were reaching the edge of the city.
"They wouldn't have gone into the desert, right?" Ayra asked, panting.
"No, I don't think they have." I said.
The earring then held still on a crossing, before shooting right.
"His far is this going to go?" Jade asked.
"Not much further, I think it is slowing down." I said.
And I was right.
It flew straight through a window and I heard a yelp.
I kicked in the door and summoned Shadow-Cleaver, ready for a fight.
There in the house, or shack rather, stood Kenji and Cinder.
The latter had the earring in her hand and looked ridiculous with her surprised face.
"Gotcha!" I announced.

(very old) the Seals of Elements (discontinued for now)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora