[Chapter 24]

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I looked around me, but I couldn't see Kenji anywhere.
Then the room started to turn and spin. At first, I thought that I was just dizzy, but then everything around me started to change.
I could no longer see Jade or the King and Queen.
I also was no longer in the dining hall.
I was standing in my own bedroom in the family mansion near the cliff, wearing my everyday clothes; a dark blue hoody with jeans.
"What the... Jade? Can you hear me?" I shouted.
There was no reaction.
Then my bedroom door opened.
"Dad?" Now I just became more and more confused.
My father was never at home during the middle of the day.
He always was at work, especially since my mother died.
"What's wrong, son? You look like you have seen a ghost."
This was enough.
I laughed.
"Nice try Kenji. I don't know how you are doing this but you messed up by trying to interpret my father. "
I squinted my eyes and the image of my father started to fade.
"Now show yourself." I started to look around me noticed that some things were off.
My digital clock was missing and so was my laptop when I looked outside I saw that the clouds were not moving.

"It's an illusion," I mumbled.
Alexander? I mentally asked. Do you know a way to break through illusions?
No answer.
"Guess I'm on my own then."
I summoned Alexander's staff, pouring my magic into it.
I raised it above my head and then brought it down.
I felt the sudden urge to shout, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" Gandalf stile, but then I thought, Doesn't really fit the moment. Maybe later.

As soon as the bottom of the staff hit the floor, a shockwave erupted from it.
I felt a tingling sensation in my eyes and my bedroom disappeared, revealing the dining hall.
The King and Queen were unconscious and so was Jade, but I didn't have time for them.
I looked around me and saw a very familiar figure.
"There you are," I muttered.


I groaned as I slowly stood up after that shockwave had knocked me over.
Everything hurt.
Then I looked at Hunter.
He was looking right at me.
How is he seeing me? I thought.
I was still holding up the illusion that kept me hidden.
Then I noticed his eyes.
They were glowing.
Not in the same way as they had been when he was battling that smoke man in the City in the Sky, but they looked like they were lit from behind.
Like a candle shining through some curtain.
Then he charged.
He had dropped his staff and had summoned his sword.
Uh oh. That was all my mind could register before Hunter had pinned me against the wall, Shadow-Cleaver against my throat.
"You traitor!" He shouted.
Where is that girl when I need her? I thought, looking around for Cinder. She should have been here already.
After we had arrived I had dropped her off at the Royal prison and had told her that she had to meet me here.
That had been almost an hour ago.

"Why are you here?" Hunter asked.
"Can't I come and see a friend?" I asked, forcing a smile.
He pressed his sword a little harder, causing some blood to trickle down.
"You are not in the position to make jokes, Kenji."
Then I saw the door behind Hunter slowly open and saw Cinder step through.
Finally. I thought.
Then I focussed on Hunter.
"I am so sorry for all of this." I wasn't lying, though I was more sorry for betraying Ayra than him.
"Yeah right." He was now basically growling. "Save it for someone who actually cares."
"Have you told Ayra?" I asked, now looking over his shoulder.
Cinder was just a couple of steps away, her hands covered in fire.
"No. But I will have to if I want to explain why you are in chains."
"But I won't be in chains."
I gave Cinder a nod.
Hunter immediately realized what was about to happen but it was already too late.
Two fireballs struck him in the back, followed by a kick in his knee, making him fall.
To catch himself he had to let go of me, making me tumble forward.
Cinder, however, caught me.
"We have to go. Now!"
"Did you get your father?" I asked
She looked down. "No. He is well guarded."
We hurried out of the hall and into the corridors.


I grunted as I got up, shaking my head.
"I could have known that he was not alone," I said to myself.
At least I know that the other one was a Fire Elemental.
I decided that I had more important things to do than dwell on this and walked over to Jade and shook her shoulder.
"Come on Jade, wake up."
Then I heard the King groan.
I walked over to him.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I was attacked and you were knocked unconscious, Your Highness," I said, handing him a glass of shadow berry juice.
He took a sip and sat straighter up.
"Just call me Cobalt." He all of a sudden said.
"I beg your pardon?" I said.
"If you so selfishly are willing to protect us you should at least be permitted to use our names." He explained.
Now both the Queen and Jade started to stir.
The King immediately walked over to his wife handing her something to drink.
"Opal, my Queen, Are you okay?"
"I'm fine Cobalt." She answered.

I looked at Jade.
She was slowly regaining her bearings.
"Say, are mineral names something of a tradition in your family?" I asked her, handing her a glass.
She took it and nodded. "So you noticed."
I looked at the King.
"So what was the matter you wanted to speak with us about?"
"It's about your relationship with my daughter."
Both Jade and I started to blush.
"Dad. It is nothing like that. We are just friends." She exclaimed.
"Yeah, it's not like we are a couple," I added.
"No, you misunderstood me. I meant your friendship. It is not that I disapprove of it. It is just that, your friendship brings her in danger, and since she is the heir to the throne, I can't permit that. "
"So you suggested that I stay away from Jade?" I asked cautiously.
"No, I just ask of you to not bring her into any of your trouble." King Cobalt said defiantly.
"That is not your choice to make!" Jade shouted.
All heads turned towards her.
"What are you saying?" Queen Opal said.
"I'm saying that you can't stop me from helping Hunter, even if of brings me in danger."
Then she turned around and ran out of the room.

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