[Chapter 35]

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"How did you get out of your cell?" I asked, walking backward to the door.
I was ready to pull it open and shout for the guards.
He sighed and flexed his wrist.
All of a sudden I couldn't feel the doorknob anymore.
"You should have searched my pockets before locking me up."
From one of his pockets, he produced a ring with all kinds of runner keys.
"And I can't have you running off right now. This is serious Ayra. Tenibriss is planning to destroy Djuren."
"We know. Why do you think we are having this feast? We won the attack."
He shook his head. "No. I'm not talking about three days ago. I'm talking about an even bigger attack. He has two Titans, Ayra."
"That doesn't make sense. He lost most of his army last time. He knows what Hunter is capable of." I said.
He scoffed. "If you think that that was his entire army, you are a fool. His real army is at least fifty times bigger."
"How do you know all of this?"
He looked down and whispered, "Magnus told me."
"You shouldn't be lying about those kinds of things." I said sternly.
He looked up. "I'm not lying. I fell asleep and woke up on a white cliff with green grass. There, a little boy was sitting on a rock.
He had golden eyes and golden hair. And his voice was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.
He told me to tell Hunter all of this because Tenibriss has laid a spell upon Hunter that prevents Manus from contacting him. You have to believe me!"
He was basically on his knees when he finished.
"You can lock me up if you want, but you have to tell Hunter."
I then could feel the doorknob again.
"I'm not going to lock you up. He has to hear it from you. But if this is another one of your tricks to harm Hunter, I won't hesitate to protect him no matter what. I'll ask one of the servants to get him. You stay here."
He nodded and sat down on the bed.
I opened the door and looked around.
Then I saw a familiar face.
It was the same girl that had told me where the king's study was.
I gestured her to come to me and asked her name.
"It's Isabel, miss. What can I do for you?"
"Can you get Hunter and Jade for me? It is urgent."
She nodded and sped off.


We had flown for at least half an hour before Alfa started to show signs of exhaustion.
He flew back to the place and landed.
I helped Jade get off and thanked Alfa.
"That was amazing!" Jade squealed.
I laughed. "Glad to hear you think so."
Then a servant came running towards us.
"Your highness, my lord, we have been looking for you all over the palace. Mistress Kane has asked for you. She said that it was urgent."
"We'll go right away. What is your name, girl?" Jade said.
"It is Isabel, your highness." The girl said.
"Well thank you, Isabel. I will see to it that you get a reward. It must have taken up some of your precious time to find us."
She nodded. "Thank you, your highness."
We then quickly made our way to Ayra.

I knocked on her door.
"Is that you Hunter?"
"It is." I replied.
"Come in, but don't freak out."
I opened the door and saw why she had added the "don't freak out" part.
Sitting on her bed was Kenji.
"What is he doing here?!" I shouted.
Ayra immediately stepped in front of him.
"I said, don't freak out. He has escaped from his cell to give you a message. He will be locked up as soon as we are done here." She said, giving Kenji a foul look.
"Fine. Just tell me what this so-called message is."
"It is a message from Magnus." Kenji said. "Tenibriss has placed a spell on you that prevents Magnus from contacting you."
"But why would he come to you?" Jade asked.
"I don't know." Kenji admitted. "He must know something we don't. But the point is that Tenibriss has two Titans and is coming for Djuren, again."
"What is a Titan?" I asked.
"A Titan is an elemental giant. They are made of a certain element and they can manipulate said element." Jade explained.
"And the fact that Tenibriss has two of them is a bad sign." Ayra added.
"For all we know, you are making all of this up. If Magnus really spoke to you, prove it. Describe the place you were and the way he looked."
"I was on a white cliff with vibrant green grass. There were loose, white rocks all around me. Magnus was sitting on one of them.
He looked like a ten-year-old boy wearing a toga. He had golden eyes and golden hair and his voice was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard."
My mouth dropped open.
It was a perfect description.
"Okay, but what about the spell. Is there any way we can get rid of it? And how did he even get it on me in the first place?"
"As for how he did it, I don't know. But his spells a pretty unbreakable." Kenji said.
I sighed. Alexander? Do you have anything?
I can only say for certain if I know what kind of spell it is. He replied.
Then get into that. It must be a spell that is related to my mind. I told him.
"What are we going to do?" Jade asked.
I looked at her. "How is your magic?"
"Good. I will be able to use it, but it is not nearly as strong as it was. That will take more time." She replied.
"I think that we don't wait for him to reach us. I say that we take the fight to him." I said.
"And you are coming with us." I added, pointing at Kenji.
"Why?" He asked.
"So that I can keep an eye on you. I still don't trust you, but I need all the magic help I can get."

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