[Chapter 32]

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"Stay here," I said to Jade.
"No. If my city is under attack I must defend it."
I grabbed her shoulders. "Normally I would agree with you, but you are still weakened and your magic has yet to return. You said it yourself."
She dipped her head down.
"Yeah, you're right. But I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing while you risk your life for my people."
"You said that almost nobody knows of this place right?"
She nodded.
"Only you, me, and my parents. The builder of this platform died a couple of years ago."
"Then you are safe here. Nobody will find you."
I gave her my switchblade and showed her how to open it.
"Take this. Then you can at least defend yourself in case someone finds you."
She nodded.
"I will send Ayra here if I see her," I said.
"Okay, be careful," Jade said, pressing a kiss on my cheek.
"I will."

I jumped out of the tree and caught myself with a thick layer of air.
Then I sped towards the commotion.
Being a Lightning Rider surely helped.
I saw Ayra coming out of her room.
I stopped and grabbed her shoulder.
"What is happening?" She asked with fear in her eyes.
"Djuren is under attack. Go to the garden and climb the big tree in the middle. There is a wooden platform there. Jade is there as well. Just make sure that nobody sees you." I instructed.
She nodded. "What are you going to do?"
I sighed. "As the Campion of Magnus, it is my job to keep everyone safe. Now go."
She ran off, dodging running guards and soldiers.
After Lightning riding through the hallways for a couple of minutes, I reached the wall of the palace.
There I found the King, holding a giant broad sword.
I stopped next to him.
"What is happening?" I asked him.
He looked at me. "A giant horde of monsters appeared from the desert. There are some Sorcerer's among them but we don't know how many."
"I will see what I can do," I said.
He gave me a small nod. "Where is my daughter?"
"She is safe. Let's just say that the little bird has hidden inside her best."

Good. She will be safe there."
I summoned the Staff of Alexander.
"I'm going down there, see if I can negotiate."
"That would be suicide." King Cobalt said.
"I have to try."
Without saying another word I summoned the winds, lifting me off the ground.
Yet another trick Alexander had taught me.
Flying down I looked if I saw someone important.
The streets were overrun with all kinds of monsters.
Goblins, kobolds, trolls, a couple of orcs, and even three Manticores as far as I could see.
Then I heard a screech above me. I looked up and saw a shadow coming towards me.
"Fuzzbuckets. Of course, there are gargoyles."
It came flying at me with those ugly, leathery, bat wings and stretched out its front gallons to grab me.
I however summoned some fire and blasted it in the monster's direction.
Its wing caught fire and fell, screeching in agony.
Then I saw someone somewhat familiar.
A hooded man.
I focused on the street in front of the man and the world became a blur.

With the sound of thunder, I landed in front of the man, one fist on the ground, the other clenched around my Staff, its gem glowing vibrant blue.
The stone had cracked in the spot where I had landed.
I stood up and looked at the man.
"Kanjigar Fletcher, I presume," I said.
All the monsters around him grabbed their weapons or bared their fangs, ready to attack me.
The hooded man, however, raised his hand.
"Stand down." He said to the beasts. And then to me, "How do you know my name?"
I scoffed. "Your son has a very loose tongue."
"Ah, then you must be the fabled Hunter Grey, Champion of Magnus."
I made a mock bow. "In the flesh."
Kanjigar laughed.
It sounded like someone was scraping his sword over a stone.
"So you are here to kill me?"
I shook my head. "No. I have come to negotiate. Your son for the safety of the city and its people."
"And why would I care about that? I have strict orders. Destroy Djuren and get Magnus's Champion. You made the last part rather easy."
"So you don't care about the freedom of your son?"
Kanjigar gave me another harsh laugh.
"He failed me and he failed his Master, so no."
"He won't be happy to hear that," I said.
"No. But you won't be there to tell him that. Get him!" He shouted.
Monsters came storming at me.
Fuzzbuckets. Now what? I thought
Then the words came to me.
"ad lucem gloria mea, perdere tenebris!" I shouted, lifting the staff high above my head.
A ball of light erupted from the blue gem and started to grow until it engulfed me and all the monsters around me.
When the light disappeared, all the monsters were gone.
It was just me and Kanjigar.
"What did you do?" He shouted, his voice full of fear.
"I destroyed the dark," I said. "Leave and take your army with you while you still can."
"No! Djuren will fall." He said.
"Then this negotiation is over. We will kill every last monster within the city."
I gathered my magic and the world around me fell away.
A couple of minutes later I was standing next to the king.
"I failed. We can't stand against such a big force."
The King grabbed my shoulder.
"If Djuren falls, it will fall fighting."
I nodded, summoned Shadow-Cleaver, and turned to the troops behind us.
"For Magnus!" I shouted, raising my blade above my head. "For Djuren"
All the troops raised their blades and shouted, "For Akeridia!"
The King then shouted, "Open the gates! Leave no monster alive!"
The soldiers charged into the city and soon the air was filled with battle cries and the sound of colliding swords.
I ran down and fought like my life depended on it, which it did.
I love you, Jade. I thought.

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