[Chapter 6]

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When I woke up, I was laying on a simple wooden bed.
At first, I didn't remember how I got here, but then everything started to come back; the raid, the Manticore, and the utter rage that had taken control of me.
It took me some time to notice Ayra sitting on the chair at the end of the bed.
When I tried to sit upright I felt a horrible sting in my chest.
Then I looked down and saw that it was wrapped in bandages.

As soon as she saw me move, Ayra jumped up from her chair and made her way over to me.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
I nodded because I didn't have the energy to say anything.
She walked to a little table with a small plate and iron jug on top of it.
After moving the jug to the small table at the side of the bed she handed me the plate and said: "Eat this. It will make you feel better."
With much pain, I managed to sit upright so I could eat the slice of cake-like food that was laying on the plate. after taking the first bite I could feel new energy flowing through my body and the sting in my chest lessened to a mere annoyance.
The cake itself tasted like nothing I had ever tasted before.

As if reading my thoughts Ayra told me that it was moon-berry cake, a specialty of the village and that the jug contained shadow-blossom tea which was pretty rare according to her.
After eating and drinking some more I asked what had happened.
"Well, you all of a sudden charged at the beast, and hell broke loose.
All the fires were going crazy and stone spikes were erupting from the ground.
After you had cut off its wing I lost you out of sight, but they told me that even after it had slashed your chest with its claws, you kept fighting.
I found you later, passed out on the ground. you have been out cold for two whole days."

When she told me this I was not surprised that I have been out for that long.
After all, I had probably lost very much blood.
After some time Ayra asked me why I had charged at the Manticore.
"When I looked it in the eyes, anger just took over." I said
"Maybe that is something that happens to everybody who looks a Manticore straight in the eyes?"
Ayra nodded absently as if she was thinking of something else.
"Hmm, yeah that could be. But now we know for sure that you control the elements, at least when your angry, which means you only have very limited control."
"Okay, so?" I asked.
"Well, the only way to control your abilities is to find and master The Seals of Elements, just like the Hero of Five-hundred years ago."

I stared at her in confusion. "What are you trying to say?"
she smiled at me. "I'm saying that we should go on a quest."
I gave her an annoyed look. "We? listen, girl, I barely know you. Why would I go on a quest with someone I just met?"
"I don't know." She admitted "But you will need a guide that knows its way around the lands"
I looked at her. "And you think I want to go on a quest? toward the danger, instead of away from it?"
When I said this, something changed in her eyes. they went something I couldn't make out to anger.
"So you're a coward! Someone who rather runs than fights?!" She said, almost knocking over the jug of tea with her right arm.

At this point, I started to feel the pain in my chest again, and breathing and talking also started to hurt, yet I still tried to defend my ego. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I just..."
"You just, what?!" she interrupted me.
"I just want to get home. So that life gets back to normal." I wiped away a tear that was forming in my eye

"And you will." a new voice said. both Ayra and I looked at the door.
In front of the door stood an old man with a long, grey beard and a bald head.
"Grandfather? What are you doing here?" Ayra asked.
"I'm here to see the boy who saved us all, of course." the old man answered
Then he turned to me. "My name is Arrogon. I'm the village elder."
He reached out with his hand, and I grabbed and shook it. then regretting it as a shock of pain went through my chest.
"I'm Hunter." I said, "But you probably knew that already"
Arrogon smiled and nodded. "Yes, yes I did." He simply said.

We talked for a while about how I got here and about the places I have been in my life until it was getting dark outside.
Arrogon was a very good listener.
When he stood up to leave he looked at me. "It was nice to get to know you Hunter, and be careful with the power that you have."

I didn't sleep well that night. I had a strange dream that I couldn't really explain, though it convinced me to take on a journey.
A choice which I would regret multiple times for the coming months.

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