[Chapter 37]

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Alfa landed in front of the Titan.
I looked up at it.
How the heck am I going to do this? I thought.
I resummoned the staff.
What is your plan? Alfa asked
"I don't know yet." I said to him
You better come up with something quick, or else you will be flattened.
"I know. Can you keep the monsters away?"
Sure thing. He said before running off in the direction of the monsters.
I place the bottom of the staff in the sand.
Gathering my magic, the gem started to glow again.
It shone brighter and brighter.
The Titan stopped and looked at me.
It didn't really have a face, but just a flat surface with two holes in it that were glowing.
It produced a low, rumbling sound, almost as if it was growling.
"Oh boy." I murmured.
Then it pointed one of its arms at me.
The sand below me started to glow and my feet started to get really warm.
"Oh, fuzzbuckets!"
I jumped aside, away from the glowing spot.
Lava erupted from the ground, right in the place where I had been standing.
The Titan let out another rumbling sound, but this time it sounded like he was laughing.
"Oh, you think that is funny, huh. Take some of this."
I pointed my staff at the giant and unleashed my magic.
A beam of fire shot out, hitting the Titan in its stomach.
A big chunk of stone fell down, making lava pour out of the wound.
The Titan looked down, surprised by the fact that I had been able to wound him.
Then the ground started to shake.
Spikes of sandstone shot up around me.
I started running, dodging the spikes.
At the same time, I gathered up more magic.
With a scream, I unleashed another stream of fire.
This time hit the Titan in the face, causing it to stumble back.
It roared.
More spikes came from the ground.
One of them hit my leg.
Luckily it didn't pierce it but it made a nasty cut.
I yelped.
Then I a tingling feeling went all over my body.
Time slowed down and I looked behind me.
A spike had been about to pierce my back.
I jumped to the side and time sped up again.
The titan roared again.
I let go of another wave of fire that collided with the Titan's knee.
The giant fell but caught himself with his hands
"Not so tough now are you?" I shouted.
I place the staff back into the sand and gathered my magic.
Orange energy spiraled toward the staff's gem.
Then a beam of near liquid fire shot towards the Titan.
It melted straight through its chest, leaving a gaping hole.
Magma poured out and the light in the Titan's eyes died.
A light flickered on my left shoulder.
I looked at it and for a second I saw the symbol of fire, but it disappeared again.
Almost. I thought.

I ran over to where Alfa was.
Most monsters had been either been burned by the magma or squished by the Titan's body.
Despite my wounded leg, we quickly got rid of the remaining monsters.
Then we rejoined the rest.
"You are bleeding." Jade said as soon as she saw me.
"I'm fine. It's just a little cut."
But Jade ignored me, pushed me down, and pressed her hands against the wound.
Her hands lit up and the wound sealed itself.
I pointed at her glowing hands.
"Since when does that happen?"
"I don't know." She said. "It also happened when I healed Kenji after he saved me."
"Saved you? What happened?" I asked.
"A goblin almost got me, but Kenji jumped in front of me but he got hit with the sword."
I looked at Kenji. "Why?"
"I-I don't know." He said.
"Thank you." I said.
And I meant it.
"Let's get back to the palace before your father finds out." Ayra said to Jade.
Alfa stepped forward and we all place our hands on him.
Hold on tight. This is going to be a rough one.
"Wait, what?" I managed to say before everything around us disappeared into darkness.

He hadn't been lying when he said that it was going to be a rough one.
When I could see again, my head was spinning and I almost threw up.
Sorry. It sometimes happens when I am tired. Alfa apologized.
We had appeared in the garden.
Kenji walked over fo me.
"Are you going to lock me up again?"
I thought about it for a minute.
"No. Not yet. I still don't trust you, but you did save Jade's life. But make one wrong move, and it is back to the dungeon with you. And I will make sure you stay there that time."
He grinned. "I won't disappoint you. I promise."
"You better not." I mumbled, and then aloud, "Jade, is there someone here in the city that could inscribe something on my staff?"
She nodded. "There is an excellent blacksmith just outside the palace. It is very hard to miss."
She took out a little bag.
"Take this. It has some silver and some gold."
"Thanks. Can go to your father and explain to him why Kenji is no longer locked up. I need to do something first."
"Will do." She said.
We parted ways, Ayra, Kenji, and Jade towards the king's study, and Alfa and I towards the Palace exit.

The blacksmith was indeed very hard to miss.
It was located just outside the palace and had a big sign saying, "Troy and son, The silver anvil."
I stepped inside.
There was a man with a thick beard hammering away at some steel.
"Are you blacksmith Troy?" I asked.
He stopped hammering.
"Yes. How can I help you?"
I summoned my staff.
"I want to inscribe something on this."
His eyes went wide.
"Of course my lord. Do you have a drawing of what you want to have inscribed?"
"No, but if you have something I could draw it on..."
"Right away my lord." The man walked away and came back with a piece of parchment and a small piece of charcoal.
He handed it to me and I wrote down what I wanted.
He looked at it. "Is this all?"
I nodded and handed him the staff.
After a few minutes, he was done.
On both sides of the staff was now inscribed, λυκόφως.
"That will be two silverlings, my lord."
I took out the bag of money and handed him two pieces of silver.
I took the staff and was about to leave when the man asked, "My lord? If you don't mind me asking, what does that inscription mean?"
I turned around.
"Twilight. It means Twilight."
With that I left, the Staff of Twilight in my hands, back to the palace.

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