Chapter four

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The next morning, when i wake up, the room is dark. I think it's 5am. The door handle starts turning. They're normally asleep at 5am. Why are they coming into my room now?

The door opens and it's LeighAnne.


"Hi? Why are you here at 5am?"

"Just wanted to come hang out with my friend. I didn't expect you to be awake. Normally when i show up you're asleep so i go and wait for like 12."

I scoot over on my bed making room for LeighAnne.

LeighAnne sits next to me.

"How comes you're awake?" LeighAnne asks.

I shrug.

"Kinda expected it to be like 10am at least." I say.

LeighAnne nods.

"What do you wanna do?" I ask.

"We could listen to music." She suggests.

I nod. We both put in one earphone each, lay down and listen to the music.

"You have such a weird music taste." I say.

"I cant tell if thats a compliment."

"Yeah. It is. Weird is good cos normal is boring." I say.

She nods. While we listen to the songs, i feel her hand touch mine. I get weird feeling in my belly. It's like... butterflies. Like Jesy and Perrie said the other day.

She takes my hand, completely, into hers. She lays her head on my shoulder. I think she can hear how fast my heart is going.

"You sound like you're gunna have a heart attack are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay."

A few minutes of comfortable silence passes.

"It's cold would you mind if i pulled the covers over us?" LeighAnne asks.

"Yeah go ahead."

She pulls the covers over us and lays back down in the same position as before. This time i wrap my arm over her shoulder and she puts her hand in mine. I lay my head on hers and we just lay like that with the music playing. I think she ends up falling asleep. The only clue i have to that is the light snores that come from her.

Must say, then tiny snores are cute. This is nice. I could actually get used to this.

I end up falling asleep soon. When i wake up, LeighAnne is still layed next to me. The music is still playing. I check the time on the clock and it's almost time that Jesy or Perrie comes in.

But, I'm still tired, so I'm goin back to sleep. Before i can move, LeighAnne lays an arm and a leg over me. I freeze in hopes she doesn't wake up. She looks gorgeous.

When she finishes moving, i go back to sleep. A few hours pass and i open my eyes. LeighAnne is still asleep. It's like 12pm how does she sleep this long? And where are Pez and Jes?

I dont wanna move cos it might wake LeighAnne up. She shuffles a little and then yawns. Then she sits up.

"Mornin." She says.

"Afternoon actually. It's 12."

"I slept that long?"

"Yep. I woke up a few hours ago but didn't wanna move cos you looked comfortable so i went back to sleep. I just woke back up like 2 minutes ago." I say.

"You're adorable. You know that right?"

"I'm not."

I pull out the earphone and LeighAnne puts them in her pocket. Yeah we fell asleep listening to the music.

"You held my hand earlier." I say.

"I know. You held mine too."

"I know." I say.

She smiles. The door opens and it's Perrie.

"There you- why are you-"

"Long story." LeighAnne says.

"Oh i have time for it."

LeighAnne explains the 'long story', then has to go cos her mum wants to talk to her.

Perrie looks at me.

"I already knew she was here. I came in at like 9:30 and saw you two asleep. It was pretty cute." Perrie says.

I smile.

"I'm officially naming your ship..... Leighade. Yep. You're Leighade now." Perrie says.

"Our ship?"

"Yeah ship name. Like a relationship you know?"

"Ohhh. Okay yeah that makes sense." I say.

"Also Jesy knows. I kinda dragged her here."

"She knows?"

"Yeah. I made her look. She thinks it's absolutely adorable."

I smile.

"So if me and LeighAnne have a ship name, wouldn't you and Jesy have one?"

"Yeah i guess but we-"



"Your ship name would be Pesy. P for Perrie and esy for Jesy." I say.

"Yeah that actually works. Me and Jesy are Pesy. I must inform Jesy about this." Perrie says.

I laugh and Perrie leaves. Perrie is so chaotic sometimes. But i love her for it.

Here's ya next update. Just thought i should make it cute cos why not? Leighade be comin along quicker than we thought. But i aint complaining. Byeeeee

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