Chapter sixteen

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When i wake up, it's 1am and i sit up. My pillow has all of my tears on it.

I grab my phone and see i have a text from LeighAnne.

Leighly: i'm sorry Jade
Leighly: i didn't mean to hurt you.
Leighly: i love you

I put my phone down and my eyes tear up. I wipe them and grab my drawing stand.

I find a picture that me and LeighAnne took together on my phone. I spend like 5 hours drawing it. When i finish, i smile but cry again.

Something taps on my window. I look outside and see LeighAnne.

"Jade. Can we talk?"


I shut the window and lock it. I lay down in bed.

20 minutes later and the door opens.


"No Leigh."

I sit up and climb out of bed.

"Please Jade."

"No LeighAnne. We were fine. We had a fight which is perfectly normal for relationships LeighAnne. Then you decided 'oh i know, lets break up with Jade and then expect her to forgive me'. News flash LeighAnne, not happening. I cried because of this. I haven't cried since i got here. Which, last time i checked, was... 13 years ago. All of this happened because you got pissy with me when i asked you about you and Lucy. I woulda moved on about it but you proceeded to get pissy with me. So this break up is on you. Now leave me alone LeighAnne."

"Jade i am so so so sorry. I know you might not forgive that but i am really sorry."

"I'm not forgiving it."

I climb back onto my bed and sit facing the window.

"Okay. I'll go."

She leaves.


The door opens.


"Not now Chloe."

"No. Now."

"I'll talk to you when I'm ready and right now I'm not ready so leave me alone!"

She leaves. I watch as LeighAnne walks out of the building. She climbs in a car and it leaves.

Weeks pass and LeighAnne hasn't come here. I think she's completely stopped. I dont blame her.


That's it, I'm going. I'm going to see Jade.

I grab my phone and leave mum a note. I text Perrie.

Me: hey

Pez: hey Leigh. You comin to see Jade?

Me: yeah.

Pez: hopefully she'll let you in

Me: yeah hopefully

I put my phone in my pocket and head to the hospital.

When i get there, i go find Jade's room. I accidentally bump into Chloe.

"LeighAnne. Bout time."


"It's about time you came back. Jade's been incredibly different the past few weeks."

"She still in the same room?"

Chloe nods. I go to her room.


"No. Absolutely not."


"You need to fuck off Lucy. This whole thing is your fault. You just had to spill didn't you?"

"Yeah. Because i still dont like you."

I shove her. She hits me.


I hear pushing and shoving outside my room. I open the door and see Lucy and LeighAnne fighting. I stand between them. I shove Lucy into a wall.

"You need to leave LeighAnne alone before you see what I'm capable of. I tell you, it isn't very pretty." I threaten.

Lucy walks away. I pull LeighAnne into my room and clean her face.

"The fuck did you get into a fight with her for?" I ask.

"Cos she wouldn't let me in your room. I shoved her and it just happened."

"Stupid." I mutter.

"I heard that."

"You were supposed to."

After i clean her face, i sit on my bed.

"Why are you here?"

"Cos i wanted to come see you Jade."

"Didn't end too well for you the last time you came to see me." I say.

"Yeah and that was my fault."

"No. No. None of this is your fault. If anything, it's all on me. Not you. I was just hurt because we broke up and i didn't know how to handle it." I say.

She shakes her head.

"It's not your fault Jade."

I shake my head.

"No. I'm not letting you take the blame Jade. This is my fault. I didn't tell you about me and Lucy and this is on me."

I shake my head again.

"I took it too far."

"Again, my fault."

"No LeighAnne."

"Look, Jade, everything that happened is my fault and i refuse to allow you to take the blame. Okay?"

I nod. We hug.

"Does this mean we're back together?" I ask.

She kisses me and i kiss back. Which leads onto something a little... grown up.

Okay yeah they're fixed. I'm feeling, maybe, a twist in this. But u wont find out what it is. Bye guys.

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