Chapter eleven

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A few weeks pass and I'm sat talking to my new... roommate?

"So where are you from?"


"Where's that?" I ask.

"West Yorkshire." She says.

"Oh okay. So what's your name?"

"Quite the questioner aren't you?"

I laugh.

"My name's Chloe. I know that you're Jade. I've met LeighAnne before and she talks quite a bit about you."

I go red.

"Someone has the case of the blushes. Dont worry."

She sits on my bed.

"I'm not used to the whole 'roommate' thing."

"We're not technically roommates. We're in different rooms. We'd be classed as friends."

"M'kay sounds good. Like i said, not really used to the whole roommates thing."

"That's understandable. LeighAnne tells me you're a good cuddle buddy."

I smile. Someone knocks on my door.

"Who's there?" Chloe asks.

The door opens and there stands LeighAnne.

"How come you're in here?" LeighAnne asks.

"The building or the room?"


"Okay. 1) i live here now. 2) i wanted to come meet the cool Jade you've been talking about."

"Wait you live here?"

"Long story. Cant be bothered explaining it." Chloe says.

LeighAnne rolls her eyes.

"She's full of sarcastic remarks."

"She's already met a few of those sarcastic remarks LeighAnne. Anyway, i gotta get to my room before the nurses start a panick search for me. See ya later."

She leaves and LeighAnne sits on my bed.

"You and Chloe have already made friends i see."

"Yeah she's really nice. I like her."

She frowns.

"I-in what way?"

"A friendly way. You're the only one i feel anything different for Leighly."

She smiles.

"Can we have cuddles and listen to music?" I ask.

"Yeah. That sounds nice after the horrible day I've had."

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask.

"That would help get it off my chest."

"Then we can talk about it."

LeighAnne talks about how horrible her day went. First off, she spilled coffee down herself. Then someone decided they wanted to get into a fight with her. It's a long ass story.

"It sounds like you had the definition of the worst day ever." I say.

"That's how you could describe it." She says.

I frown.

"What's up?"

I pull her into a kiss. She kisses me back. Then pulls out.

"Wait a second."

She jumps up, shuts all the blinds making the room dark then locks the door.

"What ya doin?"

"Privacy Jade."

I nod. She climbs back onto my bed and... i think stradles me. Then kisses me.

She puts her arms around my neck and i put mine around her waist. I feel her legs wrap around my waist. I lean up against the head board.

2 hours later

Me and LeighAnne lay together. We had some... fun? Would you call it?

"That... was... amazing." LeighAnne says.

"It was?" I ask.

"Yeah. Dont doubt it for a second. Normally people having their first time are terribe but you were really good." LeighAnne says.

I smile and we share another kiss. She cuddles herself into my side.

After a good 10 minutes of silence, LeighAnne speaks.

"Hey Jade?"

"Yeah bubs?"

"I love you."

"You do?"

I look at her. She looks at me.

"Yeah. And i understand that you might not be ready to say it back yet because it's a big step to take in a relationship but-"

"I love you back."

"Wait you do?"

I nod.

"I love you very much." I say.

She smiles. We both share another kiss before falling asleep.

Sorry for the lack of updates on this. I've had a shit load of school stuff to do and then when i get around to it I'm so tired. So thanks for being patient with me. Bye guys.

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