Chapter eight.

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When i open my eyes, LeighAnne is fast asleep in my arms. I really hope she doesn't leave me. I really like her. What Perrie said about making us stop seeing each other, i really hope LeighAnne was right. I hope she was joking.

I have my arms wrapped around her waist and my head on her shoulder. It's really comfortable.

Someone taps on the door. I gently climb out of bed and go to it. When i open it i see Jesy.

"LeighAnne's still asleep." I whisper.

I walk out of the room and quietly close the door.

"Just wanted to come and check on you both."

"We're doin okay." I say.

"A little birdie told me that LeighAnne was planning on asking you out." Jesy says.

I smile.

"Oh my god. She did didn't she!"


"Sorry. But did she?"


Jesy squeals.

"Jesyy! Shush."

"Sorry. I'm happy you got someone." Jesy says.

"Me too."

I go back into the room to see LeighAnne looking round. She looks at me and smiles.

"Thought you disappeared."

"No. Jesy just wanted to talk to me."

I climb back into bed. LeighAnne snuggles back into me and we both fall back to sleep.

When i wake back up, LeighAnne is just looking at me.

"You're staring."

"It's not staring. It's admiring." LeighAnne says.

I smile. She leans up and connects her lips to mine. I think someone said this is a kiss. That's such a weird word. I genuinely dont know how to react to this.

LeighAnne pulls back from me and smiles.

"What was-"

"That was a kiss. I just wanted to do that."

I nod.

"So how do i do that?"

She tell me what to do and i do it. Simply because her lips feel nice against mine. They're soft. I think she kisses me back but I'm really concentrating on that. I pull out and she smiles.

"That was nice." She says.

"It was." I say.

We cuddle again.

"So how would this between us work?" I ask.

"Well, it works because we make it work. We work together on us two and we'll stay strong. Eventually, if you get out, we can live together and become even stronger." LeighAnne says.

I nod, understandingly.

"And what happens if i dont get out?"

"Then we'll still work out. Dont worry about it. Seriously."

I nod again.

"I just want this thing between us to work. Because i really like you and i dont want it to end quickly." I say.

"It wont. I promise."

I smile. We share a tiny kiss. After a few hours, we both cuddle and listen to music.

"I really like this. What we have." LeighAnne says.

"Me too."

Someone knocks on the door. I sit up.


"It's me." Perrie says.

"Okay come in."

She walks in.

"So did ya do it?" Perrie asks, directing the question at LeighAnne.

LeighAnne nods. Perrie squeals. I smile.

After a while, Perrie leaves and me and LeighAnne go back to cuddling. She falls asleep and i just lay looking at the stars being projected onto the ceiling.

"I bet the stars are nice outside." I whisper.

I carefully, move and look out the window. The stars are so nice. They're so bright.

I really want to know what it's like out there. I bet it's nice. To be able to be normal. It must be pretty nice.

I dont end up sleeping. I just stay awake and watch the stars. I even watch the sunrise too. It's nice. It's actually pretty calming. But i have a pretty big feeling I'm gunna be tired tomorrow.

Should i add a background story for Jade? Because someone as innocent as Jade being in a place like that doesn't just happen. There's a back story right. Lemme know if you want a back story. Bye ma lil fucks.

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