Chapter seventeen

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Slight trigger warning in this chapter.  Talk of r*pe and sexual abuse. If you're not okay with this subject then please dont read. For those who dont want to read this, I'll put an info thing at the start of the next chapter.

This is your chance to stop reading now and wait for the next chapter. More than likely will be up as soon as this one goes up.

For those who are reading, enjoy but be warned. Also this chapter doesn't tie in with Chapter Sixteen. Well, technically it does because it's the twist i promised but we'll talk ab it later. Anyway. Enjoy for those who chose to read.


I dont know what to do. I'm fucking terrified to tell Jesy.

Long story short, i was on my way home a few weeks ago and i was walking because my car didn't start. And i got yanked into a dark alley.

Some guy, i dont know who he was.... he r*ped me. And i think I'm pregnant with that child.

I dont know what to do.

I'm just gunna tell her. I had a mental break down when the test came up positive.

"Okay. Deep breathes Pez. Deep breath."

I walk into Jesy's office. She's typing on her computer.

"Jes?" I ask.

She turns to me and smiles.

"Hey babe. What's up?" Jesy says.

I walk in and pull a chair next to her.

"What's wrong? Why do you seem so scared?" She asks, sounding worried.

"I need to tell you something, no i haven't cheated but I'm so so scared." I say.

She takes my hands into hers.

"You know, no matter what has happened, i will always be there for you. But i need you to tell me what it is because I'm worried." Jesy says.

I nod and take a deep breath.

"I was walking home yesterday because my car wouldn't start and i was pulled into an alley by some guy. And i tried to fight him off but he pushed me against a wall and-"

My eyes tear up. She places a small kiss on my forehead.

"It's okay baby. You dont need to tell me if you dont have the strength. I sort of have an idea where this is going." Jesy says.

She wipes my tears off my face.

"It's okay baby." She whispers.

After 10 minutes, i grow up the courage to tell her.

"Where did i stop?" I ask, my voice cracks a little.

"You stopped after saying he pushed you against a wall." Jesy says.

I nod.

"He pushed me against a wall and beat me. I ended up dropping to the floor and-"

I take a deep breath.

"And he r*ped me." I finally get out.

Jesy clenches her fists.

"And today i took a pregnancy text." I say.

"And?" She asks.

"It came out positive." I whisper.

I pass her the test.

"Mother. Fucker."

"Are you mad at me?" I ask, slightly worried.

"No. No absolutely not. If anything, I'm happy that you told me because this takes a fuck load of courage. I'll find that son of a bitch and fucking kill him."

"Cant we just tell the police? I remember what he looks like. I remember the alley." I say, a little too fast.

"We'll do that. Me and you, right now. We'll go to the station."

"What about Jade?" I ask.

"She has LeighAnne."

I frown.

"They got back together?"

"Yep. Yesterday." Jesy says.

I nod.

"She was gunna tell you herself so act surprised when she mentions it."

I chuckle and nod. We go to the police.

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