Chapter fourteen

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"Figured she woulda. Considering we used to date."

"You two used to date?"

"Yeah. Bet she told you her ex was some dude called Andre Gray."


"Him and her were like brother and sister. She didn't want people to know we dated. We were supposed to hate each other but things happened."

I feel a bit annoyed at this.

"Why the hell did she say nothing?! She's supposed to trust me with this shit!"

"She genuinely didn't tell you?" Lucy asks.

"Nope! Just her and 'Andre Gray'!"

Okay yeah I'm pissed about this.

"Jesus. I'm sorry girl."

I bite my lip.

"It's fine."

"I'm gunna go talk to Chloe."

I nod. She leaves. I put the drawing stand in the corner of my room and sit on my bed.

"Why the hell didn't she tell me?"

I didn't end up sleeping last night. I tried to figure out why she wouldn't tell me. I'm gunna ask her when she comes back to my room.

It's currently 9am and I'm still drawing the picture.

Someone knocks on the door.



It's LeighAnne.

"Come in."

She walks in and i stare at her.

"Okay i know i shouldn't have said what i did yesterday but i-"

"It isn't that. Its the fact that you used to date Lucy and not Andre Gray and you didn't tell me about it. You're supposed to trust me with this stuff."

She looks down.

"Look Jade-"

"So did you or didn't you? Because i want to know before i really loose my shit."

"We did. We dated and i know i-"

"Why didn't you tell me? You're supposed to trust me with this shit. You told me that you 'dated' Andre but not Lucy? Who you actually dated!"

"Jade i know and I'm sorry i didn't tell you but there's a reason."

"Reason being?"

"I thought you would be mad."

"Mad that you'd been in another relationship with a girl before me? You know how understanding i am Leigh. C'mon. You have to talk to me about these things. I dont wanna be finding this shit out from your ex." I say.

"I know and I'm so sorry that i didn't tell you."

"Honestly, Leigh, i dont know how i feel about it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, i dont know how to feel about this. We've been together long enough. That shoulda been one of the main things you shoulda told me." I say.

"I know."

"Have you dated anybody else other than her?"

"No i swear."

I nod.


She smiles and we kiss. She sits on my bed and i finish off the drawing.

"There. Look."

She looks at it and smiles.

"That looks amazing Jade. How do you draw that-"

The door swings open. There stands Lucy.

"Oh... uh... hey." I say.

LeighAnne doesn't move.

"Do either of you know what room Chloe's in?" Lucy asks.

"Why?" LeighAnne asks.

"I was wanting to talk to her."

"Just how you talked to Jade?"

"LeighAnne." I warn.

I look at Lucy.

"Ignore her. I think she's down the hall. To the left."

"Thank Jade."

She walks away. When the door shuts, i look at LeighAnne.


"Dont 'what' me. There was no need to speak to her like that. She was being nice and you were just being rude." I say.

"Oh i was being rude was i? She should learn to keep her mouth shut and not tell you shit i didn't want being told!"

"So we're yelling now are we? Okay. Lets put it this way.... She was being nice! She told me what you were never ever gunna tell me! So I'm glad she told me because you didn't have the balls to tell me yourself!"

"Oh really?!"

"Yeah! She told me the truth! Do you know what that means?! She told me that you and her dated! I'm glad she told me! She also told me that you and Andre are like brother and GODDAMN sister!"

"That's why he agreed Jade! Because he's my best friend! I didn't even tell my aunt about this! What makes you think i was gunna tell you?!"

"I know you wouldn't because you dont have it in you to admit the fact that yoh dated her! Because you were supposed to hate each other and that's why you dont wanna admit it! News flash Leigh, IT HAPPENED!"

She scoffs.

"This is pathetic Jade."

"You're right. But guess what! If you had told me, THIS FIGHT WOULDN'T BE HAPPENING!"

She rolls her eyes.

"I've had enough. Out."


"I said, out!"


"If you dont leave my goddamn room, I'll get someone to make you leave!"


She grabs her phone and storms out. She slams the door behind her and i launch the first thing i can grab across the room.

The tv remote. It smashes. I yell out in anger.

"Woah hey. What's goin on?"

I turn and see Perrie.


"You had a fight with LeighAnne. Didn't you?"

"Yeah. I did. It's her fault. She didn't date Andre Gray. She dated Lucy. And she lied to us all. And it pisses me off because she's supposed to trust me with this stuff but she didn't and now this fight is her fault."

"She knows it's her fault."

"I dont care. I just wanna be alone."

Perrie nods and leaves.

Long chapter and a fight? Nani?

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