Chapter fifteen

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It's been about... a week? Since the fight and me and LeighAnne haven't talked. I'm starting to regret it. It wasn't all her.

The way i reacted would've been different had she have told me though.

Apparently, according to Perrie, LeighAnne isn't gunna come back. Meaning we probably broke up. Meaning, I'm hurt.

I'm incredibly upset about this. I think it's my fault.

I dont want her to have broken up with me but i think she has and it's probably my fault.

She will not respond to anything i try to contact her with. I've tried texting her. I've tried calling her. I even tried to get Perrie to bring her here.

But she wont come here. So, now I'm worried.


I'm trying my best to ignore Jade. But every voicemail she sends me, it gets harder cos she sounds sadder every voicemail she sends.

My plan isn't exactly the nicest idea I've ever had but it's all i got. I think i have to....  break up with her.

I dont wanna do it but while i get myself back together, i need to do it.


I just missed probably, the only call I'm gunna get from LeighAnne.

But, she left me a voicemail.

"Hey Jade. Listen, I'm- I'm ending what we had. Meaning, you're not my girlfriend and I'm not yours. I'm sorry about this but it's whats best for us both. Bye Jade."

My eyes tear up.

"N-no. That-that's not fair!"

I start pacing. Perrie and Jesy walk in to see me pacing.


I look over at them. They musta noticed the tears in my eyes. They hug me and i break.

After some time, i manage to calm down. We're all sat on the floor against the wall. My knees are tucked into my chest.

"What's going on Jade?" Perrie asks.

"You're the strongest person we know and not once have we ever seen or known you cry except when you first got here." Jesy says.

"Th-the v-voicemail on my p-phone."

Perrie grabs it and listens to the voicemail.

"Hey Jade. Listen, I'm- I'm ending what we had. Meaning, you're not my girlfriend and I'm not yours. I'm sorry about this but it's whats best for us both. Bye Jade."

"Absolutely not." Jesy says.

She stands up and drags Perrie outside. I look out the window and see them using alot of hand gestures.

Jesy walks in.

"Perrie's gunna talk to LeighAnne."

I sniff and nod. I stand up and she hugs me.

"C'mon. If i close your curtains, you try sleeping this off."

"I'm not tired."

"You dont need to be tired. Just lay down and close your eyes."

I nod and get into bed. Jesy closes all the curtains and leaves. She locks the door so nobody comes in and i lay down.

I spend about an hour crying before a fall asleep.

I'm sowwy 🥺. Pwease dont be mad at me 🥺🥺

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