Chapter seven

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I'm planning on asking her out. Jade i mean. We're really close now and i think i really like her. Like a lot. I'm happy we're so close. I really want to do it but i should ask Perrie first. So that's what I'm doing.

"Woah woah slow down. You like Jade and you're planning on asking her out. Today."


"Good luck. Honestly. I hope she says yeah. For your sake anyway." Perrie says, ticking a box on her sheet.

"You have nothing against this? I'm totally okay to ask her to be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah. Go ahead." Perrie says.

I smile and leave. When i get to Jade's room, she's layed on her stomach drawing.

She has her earphones in. I smile.


She looks up and smiles. She pulls out her earphones and stands up.


She hugs me and i stumble back a little.

"Woah easy."

"Sorry." She mumbles out.

We stop hugging and sit on her bed.

"So what's up? Normally you come here at about 5." Jade says.

"I need to ask you something and it's an important thing and i need an honest answer."

"M'kay. Ask away."

"Do you like me?"

"Yeah dumby you're my best friend."

"No, Jade, not in a friend way. A... more than friend way." I say.

"What do you mean? 'More than friend way'?" Jade asks.

"Like.... how Perrie likes Jesy." I say, using them as the only example i have.

"Like.... butterflies in your belly type of thing?"

I nod. She goes red but nods.

"Yeah. I guess you could say that i do like you." She says.

"Would you be willing to...... bemygirlfriend?"

"Huh? I didn't catch that last bit." Jade says.

"Would you be willing to be my girlfriend."

She smiles but then frowns.

"I wanted to ask you that." Jade says.

I smile.

"You can ask me if you want."

"No cos you already asked. But I'll settle with it." Jade says.

I chuckle. We both hug.

"Wanna cuddle and watch movies?" Jade asks.

"Yeah. But i get to be big spoon." I say.

"Nope. That's my job." Jade says.

I pout. She smiles and plants a kiss on the side of my face.

"Dont pout. Please."

I smile.

"You're adorable." I say.

I put some random movie and we cuddle.

"I spoke to Perrie earlier about knocking. So incase we're doin.... stuff.... we have a little time to prepare."

"What stuff?"

"Nothing. Just stuff. You know."

"Like.... kissing and stuff?" Jade asks.

I go red.

"You went red. That mean I'm right?"

"Maybe." I say.

I feel her smiling on the back of my neck. Someone knocks on the door.

"Should we pretend to sleep?" She whispers.

I chuckle. We both pretend to be asleep. The door opens.

"If they keep being this cute i might just have to stop them seeing each other for a bit." Perrie says.

"Why's that babes?" Jesy asks.

"Cos my heart physically cannot handle how cute they are." Perrie says.

The door closes. We both sit up and i smile.

"We got em."

"Will she actually stop us seeing each other?" Jade asks.


"Perrie said if we keep being this cute, she's gunna stop us seeing each other. I dont want her to stop us seeing each other." Jade says.

(Okay but she's the human 🥺 in this. Idc what yall think)

"No. No she wont stop us seeing each other. She was only kidding babe." I say.

"Oh. Okay but promise you wont leave me." Jade says.

"Of course i promise. I wouldn't ever leave you." I say.

She smiles. Okay but she's definitely a bottom and it's staying that way until i have proof.

"Cuddles?" I ask.


We lay back down. She's really warm. I eventually end up falling asleep.

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