Chapter twelve

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When i wake up, Jade is sat up reading a book and listening to music. I look at the book.

"Didn't know you liked Harry potter."

She looks at me and smiles.

"I've never read it before. It was in the shelf over there so i wanted to give it a try." Jade says.

She grabs a bookmark and puts it on the page before shutting it and laying down.

"Nope, you gotta get up."

"What? Why?" Jade asks.

"Cos. Perrie and Jesy are letting me take you out today."

"Take me out?"

"Like exploring every where."

Her face lights up.


I nod. She smiles. She's so adorable. She hugs me.

"C'mon. We got till 10 to leave."

She jumps up. After we change, we leave. I have my phone and money with me.

If anything bad happens, I'll call Hes or Pez.

The first place we go is a coffee shop. She gets a hot chocolate. I got a coffee.

I bring the drinks to our table.

"Thanks Leigly."

I smile.

"When did you think up that name?"

"Just now. If you dont like it i wont call you it again."

"No. No. I like it babe. It's nice."

She smiles. We share a tiny kiss. A woman walks over.

"You two shouldn't kiss in here."

"And why is that?" I ask.

"Because it's disgusting. I dont want my grandkids looking over to see you two kissing. It's a sin."

I look at Jade.

"Then maybe you should tell those two not to kiss." Jade says.

She looks at a straight couple.


"Because, them kissing is like me and Leighly kissing. It's just two people kissing. You shouldn't come over here and preach your religion to two people who dont care. I love Leigh. She loves me. That's all that matters to us. So before you come over here telling us 'its a sin to kiss each other' maybe you should consider shutting your mouth." Jade says.

I smile.

"Are you going to allow your girlfriend to talk to me like that?"

"She's her own person. But i suggest you leave us alone before she snaps. She's short tempered." I warn.

The woman scoffs and walks away.

"Did i do a good thing?" Jade asks.

"Yes you did babe. You did an amazing thing. C'mon i have some where else i wanna take you." I say.

She smiles. We quickly finish our drinks and leave holding hands.

After a long day of showing her around, we go to the top of a hill to watch the sunset.

"Why are we here?"

"Well, since you've watched the sunset from a window for fifteen years, i thought it would be nice to watch it outside for once."

Her face brightens.

"Will we get to see the stars?"

I nod. She smiles.

I sit her down. While it sets, i get an idea.

"Hey idea."

"What is it?"

I stand us both up and pull my phone out. The sun is still pretty high up so i can take a good picture.

She stands next to me and wraps her arm aroud my waist and burries her head into my neck. I wrap my arm around her neck and take the picture.

I show her the photo and she smiles.

"I love it. I wanna draw it. Can you get it printed out?"

"Yeah. I'll get Pez to print it."

We sit back down and watch the sun go down.

After the sun has set, me and Jade go back to the hospital. When we get there, Jade goes to bed and i get the picture printed out for Jade to draw.

Sorry for the wait on this one. Bye guys.

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