Chapter nine

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Okay just really quickly, the backstory for the reason Jade got put into the psychiatric hospital might be a bit triggering for some people. So, if you get triggered by abuse and related things, you dont have to read. I will put it in bold and italics. I just wanted to warn you. Like i said, it might be triggering so you dont have to read it. Its the whole chapter so if you're not okay with these things, that's okay. You dont have to read this chapter.

It's February 2008. Jade is 4.

Jade's dad is a bad man. Her mum is dead, because of him. Her brother was arrested and put to death. She has her dad and only her dad. She hates him.

"Jade Amelia Thirlwall get down here now!"

That means her dad is going to hurt her. She doesnt want him to hurt her but she has no choice. So she goes downstairs. First thing she gets is a slap. A hard slap across the face.

He shoves her to the floor and stamps on her stomach. Then he picks her up. He slams her against the wall and lifts her by her shirt.

He proceeds to slam her against the wall over and over again. Until he sees blood on the wall. Then he throws her to the floor.

She whimpers and balls up.

"Look at me!" He shouts.

She looks at him.

"You will never ever be loved."

He walks away. Eventually, Jade snaps. She goes into the kitchen and grabs a knife. While he dad sleeps, she sticks the knife into his eye and he dies. She realises what she's done and sits with her knees against her chest the front door bursts open.

Cops flood in. They realise what might have happened and calm down. A woman and a man police officer walks over to Jade.

"Hey sweetheart. I'm officer Styles. This here is officer Grande. We're gunna help you."

"But we can only help you if you tell us what happened here. Okay? C'mon. Lets go somewhere nicer than this." Officer Grande says.

"N-no! My-my mummy said that I-I cant go with strangers." Jade says.

"Okay, where's mummy and we can talk to her." Officer styles says.

"M-mummy dead."

"O-oh." Officer Styles says.

"Could you possibly tell us what happened to mummy?" Officer Grande asks.

"Daddy killed her."

"I am so so sorry for everything that has happened to you. You didn't deserve any of it." Officer Styles says.

Jade cries. Officer Grande picks up Jade and carries her to the car.

The next thing Jade knew, a blonde and a brunette were stood in front of her. She's in a room.

"Where am i?" Jade asks.

The girls look at her.

"You're at a hospital. A nice hospital. We're nurses. We're gunna look after you. I'm Perrie and this is Jesy." The blonde nurse says.

Jade sits up.

"Am i sick?" Jade asks.

"Of course not. You're just gunna be here with us for a while. Think of us as your new family." Jesy says.


End of backstory.

Okay so that was the back story. I wasn't planning on making it a singular chapter but there ya go.

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