Final Chapter

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It's been about 5 years since Jesy and Perrie told me that i can leave the hospital. Me and LeighAnne are living together.

We have twins and 2 dogs and a mega big house.

Me and LeighAnne got invited to a wedding.

Guess who's....



Me and LeighAnne took the kids to the wedding. We planned on taking them to Ariana's house but, with her being Perrie's sister, she's the bridesmaid.

After the wedding, me and Leigh drop the kids off at her mums house and go home. We need a break from them. They're so tiring sometimes.

Lucy especially.

They're both girls. Lucy and Chloe.

*see what i did there?*

Me and LeighAnne go upstairs to bed and immediately cuddle.

"How long have Pesy been together?" Leigh asks.

"Um..... i think.... around 7 years." I say.

LeighAnne nods. The next morning, i go to the shop with Pesy.


While Jade is out shopping for something 'very important' with Pesy, i have to take care of these two children.

"Mama Chloe stole my toy!" Lucy

"Mama Lucy stole my brush!" Chloe

"Mama Chloe hit me!" Lucy

"Mama Lucy pushed me!" Chloe

"Girls please! Lucy, apologise to your sister." I say.


"I'll tell mummy." I threaten.

"Sorry Chloe." Lucy says.

"Good girl. Chloe, apologise to your sister."


"I'll tell mummy." I threaten, again.

She looks down.

"Sorry Lucy." Chloe says.

"Good girl. Now go play.... dress up." I say.

The girls run upstairs, giggling on the way.

They're the cutest girls ever. My phone rings.

Tis Jade!

I answer.

"Hey bubs."

"Hey baba. Can i just ask, what size.... shirt do you wear?" Jade asks.

"Uh.... lemme check."

1 hour passes and Jade comes home with a bag full of stuff and a secret tiny bag.

"What's in the secret tiny bag?" I ask.

"See if i told you that, it wouldn't be a secret. Now would it?" Jade says.

I pout. Normally it works.

"Aw bubs, dont pout. You look much better with a smile." Jade says.

She places a tiny kiss on my cheek before running off upstairs.


One month passes and I'm adding some final pieces to my plan.

I hope it goes well. Pesy gave me this idea.

Okay wanna know my plan? I'm gunna propose!!

I'm so excited!!!!

I just hope she says yes.

"Jade where've you gone?!"

The front door opens and LeighAnne looks at me, then at everything i set up.

"Babe, what's all this?" She asks.

I pat the seat next to me.

"I've wanted this day for god alone knows how long and I've finally convinced myself to do it." I say.

I pull out the bag, then the box and open it.

Dis is da ring

"Honestly, i got incredibly lucky with you

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"Honestly, i got incredibly lucky with you. Especially considering i was in a fucking hospital for almost all my life. In all honesty, your mum is to thank for that. I cannot think of a better person to be with. I couldn't if i tried. It's physically not possible. I love you, more than life itself. I know this is a pretty shitty speech but i spent almost all the time i had putting all this together. I couldn't think of anything in time so... improvising!"

LeighAnne chuckles.

"But, what i wanna know is- will you do me the honour of being my wife?"

She nods.

"Yes. YES!"

I smile. We stand up. I put the ring on her finger and we kiss. Behind us, we hear cheers but we ignore it.

Me and LeighAnne went through hell and back together. But what healthy relationship doesn't have that?

We love each other and i could not be more thankful for her.

THAT'S IT! WE DID IT! Thanks for sticking around!!

I might make a bonus chapter where they get married but that's heavily depending on how i feel tomorrow.

Anyway. Thank you guys for reading this book! See yall in another book! Byeee!!

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