Chapter ten

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It's been about 2 months since me and LeighAnne got together and we're having our 'first fight as a couple'. It sucks. I hate it.

"You dont get it Jade!"

"I-I know but if you-"

"If i what?! Explained it to you?! It wont sink into your tiny brain. You're to stupid to understand it!"

Okay that hurt a little.

"I-I could try Leigh. I can try."

"No. You wont understand it because you're parents are dead! You dont have a family."

My eyes sting with tears.

"J-Jesy a-and P-Perrie a-and y-you are my family."

"No we're not. We never will be your family! You're here cos you have no family! Jesy and Perrie dont even like you!"

I sit back against the metal bars on my bed. She gets up and leaves, slamming the door shut behind her. I just sit there and cry.

Was she right? Do Jesy and Perrie not like me? Do they hate me? I dont have a family...

Does LeighAnne hate me? I think she does. A few hours pass and the door opens revealing Jesy and Perrie.


"Where's LeighAnne?"

I turn away from them.

"Jade? What's wrong?"

"You guys dont even like me. Why are you here?"

"What? Who told you that?"

"LeighAnne. And she's right. I have no family. Nobody likes me. You guys dont like me. All my family are dead. Because of me." I say.

"No, Jade, honey, that's so far from the truth."

"Is it? Then how come i remember putting a knife in my dads face when i was 4? How come you guys always seem fed up with me. I know neither of you like me. I know LeighAnne doesn't like me. So just leave me alone." I say.

"I'm gunna go talk to LeighAnne. Keep her company." Perrie says.

"No. Leave me alone. I wanna be alone." I say.


"I wanna be alone!"

That's the first time i have ever snapped at Jesy or Perrie.

"Jesy i-"

The door shuts. If she didn't hate me before, she does now. My eyes tear up and i lay back down in bed. I listen to my music in hopes of it cheering me up.

LeighAnne was right. They hate me.

A few weeks pass and i haven't eaten. At all. LeighAnne has tried to talk to me. But each time i ignore her. If she hates me, why would she try talking to me?

Someone knocks on the door.

"Go away."

The door opens. It's LeighAnne.

"I said go away. Not come in." I say.

"Jade i need to talk to you."

"No. Go away. Leave me alone." I say.

"Jade please."


"Well, I'm staying and I'm gunna need you to listen."

I put my earphones in. I hear the door shut. I sit up and she's stood by the door.


I pull out my earphones.

"What do you want?"

"First off, i am so so sorry for what i said. I meant none of it. Secondly, nobody hates you."

"That it?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She says, in a questioning tone.

I lay back down.


"You said what you wanted now leave." I say, almost demandingly.

"No." She says.

"LeighAnne please just leave." I say

She doesnt leave. Instead, she sits on my bed. I sit up.

"Why aren't you leaving?" I ask

"Because. I'm not. I feel horrible." She says.

"Cant you go feel horrible somewhere else? I wanna be alone." I ask

"No cos i wanna apologise but it's proving to be harder than i had expected." LeighAnne says.

"I'm not just gunna accept your apology that easy just because you're my girlfriend. What you said hurt me LeighAnne. So yeah, it is gunna be harder than you had originally expected." I say.

"Jade i-"

"It's fine. I forgive you."

"You do?"

I nod. She smiles.

"But, no cuddles for a week."

"That is just so rude."

I smile. I boop her nose and we watch some random movie on my tv.

There ya go. Sorry the end was a little rushed. I just have to get this up before my mum comes downstairs. Ima be offline for a good 5-6 hours today. School shit. Bye ma lil fucks.

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