Fan Requested Chapter

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(This is a chapter that you guys requested and I had wrote before but I didn't like how it turned out so I've written this chapter over from scratch. This is a chapter that would make Thorn and Gohan the same age however Gohan would also be a female so let's see how things would progress with these parameters. Now I should mention that Thorn and Gohan or rather Gohani for this chapter will both 20 years old meaning that they are both adults and are currently living in West City. You know what just read the chapter and you'll see what I mean!)

(West City)

Years after the defeat of Buu the warriors who defended Earth countless times without any sort of appreciation or approval depending on the circumstance now were enjoying the time of peace that now hovered over them all. For our young Saiyan Thorn he had been helping Bulma by moving her heavy equipment that she used for experiments as well as continuing company business. While Thorn was the guy to move that kind if equipment he was also the Chief Operations Officer for Capsule Corporation thanks to Bulma and her father training Thorn in that regard. As for Gohani she had always been known to help the local police force and Great Saiyawoman but she could tell that this was interfering with her studies to become a school teacher so she retired the costume and gave up the life of crime fighting. Gohani at first resented her decision but she finally realized that while Krillin was still around things wouldn't be to difficult at least until another Cell or Buu. As Gohani was continuing her studies her boyfriend Videl (sorry can't think of a different name here...if you have something else just use it for now.) wasn't exactly thrilled that Gohani was always busy so he told Gohani that she needed to pack her things and move out however that was late at night when she couldn't just call her parents so she grabbed her bags and walked along minding her own business. This shocked Gohani as she was now a defenseless girl wandering the streets dressed in a sheer night gown and still holding her books. Gohani began to fight back tears and this led her to focus so much that she failed to notice a group of people who weren't exactly friendly and they grabbed her causing Gohani to drop her books while one of the members said while looking Gohani over "Well well...look what the cat dragged in boys!" They examined Gohani as she struggled to break free however since she wasn't prepared for a fight her energy was all over the place until finally she heard a male voice that said "Let her go." Gohani looked at the voice and she couldn't see who it was due to her only seeing a silhouette but the member who was standing in front of her charged at the voice only to be sent back to the group with a broken nose and was also unconscious. The male voice said once more this time more aggressively "Last chance..let her go or else this won't end well for you." Then a bigger guy emerged and he drew a pistol and he fired a few bullets at the voice only for the bullets to be caught and sent back knocking the brute and his other friend out cold. The voice sighed and said while looking at Gohani "You alright? Are you hurt?" Gohani looked more and more at the owner of the voice and she swore that it was familiar until finally when the owner of the voice stepped into the light she saw that it was her best friend Thorn! She immediately started to cry as she hugged him tightly causing Thorn to be shocked but he held her close and said softly "It's okay...I'll keep you safe from now on, I promise." Gohani then said after calming down "Thorn....can I ask for a favor?" He listened to Gohani and she said to Thorn still close to his chest "I got kicked out of Videl's place and I don't want to worry mother so could I stay at your place?" Thorn thought about this and realized that he lived in a one bedroom apartment style house that he had custom made for him as he liked that kind of living then he said to her "That's fine with me...let's grab your stuff and head to my place." Thorn finally could see what Gohani was wearing which didn't leave much to the imagination as he could see through the nightgown and he could see Gohani's underwear through the gown. Gohani realized this as well and tried to cover herself until Thorn covered her with his jacket and said to her "Use this for now....I don't want you to freeze while we're flying." Gohani put her arms through the sleeves and said while grabbing her books "Thanks for saving me earlier...and sorry in advance if I inconvenience you tonight." Thorn waved a hand in dismissal and said while grabbing Gohani's bag of clothes "Don't sweat it...besides I'm kind of glad that I got to see you tonight, I was actually going to ask if you wanted to have dinner at my place anyways." His cheeks turned a bit red at that sentence while Gohani simply blushed at the fact that Thorn had thought of her like that.

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