Just A Thought

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So recently I had gotten back into DBZ Kakarot on the PS4 thanks to both the Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue DLC packs. In the game you can craft your own team of characters from the show and if you choose certain characters that team has what they call a Party Bonus. This is an effect that happens throughout the game so long as that team is still active so I thought about doing that for Thorn with certain characters so let's dive into what I would make shall we?

Bonus#1 Goku/Thorn


◇ 5% bonus to all stats after transforming for 30 seconds.

Bonus#2 Goku/Thorn/Vegeta

[Pure Saiyans]

◇ 10% bonus to all stats after transforming for 20 seconds

Bonus#3 Thorn/Gohan

[Gohan and his Godfather]

◇ 10% to Melee Defense and Ki Defense

Bonus#4 Thorn/Vegeta

[Combat Specialists]

◇ 10% to Ki and Melee ATK & DEF

(Effect increases by 5% during transformations only happens for 20 seconds)

Bonus#5 Thorn/Trunks

[Warriors with a purpose]

◇ 8% increase to all stats

(Effect only lasts in combat.)

Bonus#6 Thorn/Goten/Gohan

[Three Generations]

◇ 5% increase to all stats

(Effects is doubled during transformations, lasts only through combat)

Bonus#7 Thorn/Yamcha


◇ 20% bonus damage during Z-Combos

Bonus#8 Thorn/18

[Cyborg & Android]

7% increase to all stats

These are all the teams that I would give to Thorn as they have what I would consider fairly decent boosts to as well. If you have a team that you think would work post it in the comments down below and tell why you think it would work for Thorn. Thanks for reading and sorry if this isn't a chapter you were hoping for but I do have a chapter coming out in 5 days! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!

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