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Alright so I've seen a comment that asked me how exactly do the Dragon Balls still work even though Piccolo is technically dead in my story? Well I said that it was the same as power levels in DB history...Bullshit however to put it in a better way for everyone to understand in my story I've made Kami and Piccolo two separate beings however I will make Dende the new guardian but I will wait until he is in what would teenager years for Namekians and when Kami is finally too old to continue being the Guardian. Honestly this is how I always thought it should've been instead of Kami and Piccolo being the same person even though they act entirely different from each other regardless of one being evil and the other being good. Anyways that's the idea as to why Kami is still alive so please give this a try and if you do not approve let me know and I will do my utmost to change it back to normal. Thanks for reading and sorry for the lack of updates I've been a bit busy with work and balancing personal problems.

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