Chapter 24

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Lance has being doing nothing but spoiling the hell out of me. I kept telling him that he didn't need to spend all his money on me because material things did not matter to me. Yes it was nice, but love is nicer. Its been two weeks since I've seen my baby. He had business to take care of back in Texas. He didn't want to leave me here knowing that Chaz and his crew was near me, but I told him to go on and I would keep a low profile like always. Tonight was the night that my baby was coming home and I was too happy. We weren't living together, but he has been staying the night at my place as if it we were living together. Jasmine and CJ on the other has been getting close over the weeks. No she hasn't given it up which is good. She decided to take things slow this go around plus she was still trying to avoid Jr's abusive ass. If we would have known what type of niggas Cash and Jr were, we would have never talked to them. I wouldn't have let Jasmine get close to Jr. I feel so bad because I was the one that brought her around him and now look. She's getting abused by him. No man or little boy should ever put their hands on a female. Regardless of the situation.

Our refrigerator didn't have nothing in it so I decided to head to Walmart in the car that Lance bought me along with Danielle and Lynn, Lance's mom. Danielle was my little baby. I treated her as if she was my real daughter. Jasmine was going to be out with CJ tonight so I figured I would have a nice dinner cooked for Lance when he touches down in town. I already had the perfect bra and panties picked out for tonight even though I wasn't going to be in them for long. Lance brought out that inner freak inside of me and I was loving it just as much as he was. It was always something new with him. Never the same thing and that's what I loved about him because Cash always wanted to be in the same damn position. Irritating as hell. Was Lance better than Cash in bed? Yes! Was Lance bigger than Cash? Hell yes! Cash wasn't just small though. Lance on the other hand was bigger than Cash and Lance's friend was fat as well. Sounds weird when you say it but I can't describe it any other way. Just thinking about Lance turned me on. That body of his is amazing. His six-pack and his v-cut was just sexy. His skin tone was sexy. Everything about my man was sexy. The exact reason why I have to keep him on lock because these females would love to have him. Especially Chanell's hoe ass. Thinking of her made my blood boil. She was disrespectful. I was ready to get my hands on her and the day I do will be the day she will never disrespect me again after that. 

I took Danielle out of the car after I was parked. This is the first time that Lynn and Danielle has ever came to Walmart with me. Really this is the first time that Lynn and I have been alone without Lance. I was a little bit nervous, but I didn't let it show. She was a sweet lady and I loved being around her. I grabbed a buggy and put Danielle inside. She was a diva so of course she did not want to walk around the whole time. 

"So are you ready for Lance to come back home?" Lynn asked picking up a tomato.

"Yea. I miss my man," I said picking up some lettuce.

"I know he misses you. Everyday he calls to check up on you and Danielle. You tell him that you're fine, but he still asks me how you're doing. He's very over-protective," 

"There's nothing for him to worry about," I responded.

"With you being the ex of Cash and you having some problems with Chaz and also them having problems with Cash, it just worries him about your safety,"

"I understand that, but I truly feel like Chaz wouldn't do anything to hurt me even though we had a little falling out. Chaz has been there for me and my sister,"

"Chaz isn't your blood. I understand that he's been there for you and I'm not trying to turn you against him, but Chaz is all about his money. He probably feels that you being with Lance is a threat. Did you ever think about the reason why he cut you off?" Lynn questioned.

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