Chapter 21

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"Where are they? I need to be with them. I don't care which one I be with first. I just need to be with both them as soon as possible." I panicked.

"Ma'am calm down and wait in the waiting room," A lady said to me.

"No. My grandmother and my boyfriend are both in ICU and I need to be with them," I yelled.

"You can't go back there while they are being operated on. If you don't take a seat I'm going to have to call security,"

I placed a hand over my head as Vince grabbed me. We both walked into the waiting area and took a seat with the rest of the family. This was the first time my family and Lance's family have been together in the same room. My family didn't know about Lance so when they saw Vince grab me, they all stood up.

"Calm down. He's my boyfriend's brother," I said to my cousin Bryce.

"Vince what happened to Lance? Bryce what's going on with GG? Please somebody talk to me. I can't lose both of them. I just lost Casey not too long ago," I said not taking a breath.

"Chill. Lance is gonna be fine. I know he is," Vince said.

"We were just visiting GG when all of a sudden the monitor started going off and stopped breathing. We haven't heard anything yet," Bryce said. I couldn't do nothing but cry. Why was all of this happening to me? What did I do to deserve any of this? They didn't deserve any this. To make things even worse, Chaz and the "boys" showed up.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Laura said as she stood up along with Vince, Byrd, and the rest of Lance's family and crew.

"They are here for my grandmother," I said standing in between both crews.

"I see you're still with him," Chaz said.

"Yea and it ain't gon change unless they want it to change," Vince replied.

"Can we all please just chill out for the sake of Lance and GG?" Jasmine shaky voice asked.

"Didn't nobody ask you to speak," Jr said stepping closer to her as she stumbled back a little bit.

"Watch who you're talking to," CJ, Lance's younger brother, said getting in front of Jr. CJ's jaws clenched. Jr lifted his chin up and stepped closer to CJ. Nothing but tears flowed from my eyes. They really wanted to fight during this situation. CJ's hand slowly went toward his gun but stopped when the doctor came out.

"Williams family?" The doctor asked. Lance's family and crew all went to him. I was curious about what he was going to say. I prayed that Lance was good. "Good news. Mr.Williams pulled through. The bullet missed his heart by a couple of inches. He's going to have to stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks just to monitor him. After a couple weeks, he's free to go home."

"Appreciate it doc," Vince said shaking the doctor's hand. I was glad that Lance was okay. All I need to hear now is that GG is okay.  My world would be crushed if GG passes away. I've already lost Casey. I didn't want to lose another family member.

"Moore family?" The same doctor asked. My family and I all stood up. We are were worried.

"We managed to get Ms.Moore breathing again but she's not doing so well. Her lungs are really weak at this point and the cancer is very strong," The doctor explained.

"Is she going to pull through?" one of my family members questioned.

"The way things are looking, I would be prepared for whatever comes her way,"

"We are a family of faith and we have faith that she will pull through but we are also prepared for the worst. Thank you doctor," my aunt commented. All of my family grabbed hands after the doctor left. We bowed our heads and prayed to the man above that GG will pull through but if she doesn't, we pray that she will be in the place that he has prepared for us. We all said amen at the end and hugged one another. Most of the family from both sides left the hospital. Jasmine and I decided to stay the night along with Bryce. Vince and CJ of course stayed as well but CJ had to walk outside to his car for something. They felt the need to protect us since Chaz and his crew showed up. I appreciated them for that. I didn't want Jr anywhere near Jasmine after what he did to her and I didn't want to be anywhere near Cash because he was an asshole.

Jasmine and I took a seat on the couch. We cuddled up with each other because it was freezing cold. CJ came back in the waiting room and placed a cover over Jasmine and I. I thought that was really sweet of him to do that. I felt like he was attracted to Jasmine. The way he looked and smiled at her was so cute. Like one of those nerds when their crush finally speaks to them. I didn't know if Jasmine caught on to it. I wouldn't expect her too after the news we had just received. We both got comfortable on the couch and tried falling asleep. We all needed rest. Never know what could happen tomorrow.

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