Chapter 42

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When I woke up I was overly warm, it was almost uncomfortable. My arm was resting on top of Jared's, which was tightly around my waist, keeping me pinned against him. His werewolf body heat was nearly suffocating, especially under the blankets.

I carefully maneuvered my way out of his grasp and off the bed without waking him up. I went out into the living room. Trevor was already in the kitchen, sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal.

"Morning, Little Jaguar," he said with a cheerful smile.

"Don't talk to me until I've had coffee," I mumble looking through the cupboards.

"Well that's going to be a problem, sunshine. We don't have any coffee, and I don't really do quiet."

I spun around faster than my limbs wanted to allow at such an early time and pinned him down with a glare. "What do you mean you don't have any coffee?"

He held his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, we don't drink coffee, so we don't have any."

Trevor looked like I just chewed him up and spit him out, or maybe I just looked that bad, who knew. I grab a bowl and grouchily walked over to the table pouring some cereal and milk.

"Sure, help yourself," he said with a teasing smile.

"Don't mind if I do," I said dryly, fixing him with another stare. He was smirking at me. It was too early for smirking.

I started eating the cereal, glaring into the bowl. I really needed some dang coffee.

"Were you in the know about what The Organization was doing?" I asked after swallowing a mouthful of cereal.

"A bit, but this came as a shock."

"A bit meaning what?"

"I heard that they were looking into something, but they weren't really going public with what it was. I found it slightly odd given my family's status within The Org."

"So you don't know if they were watching him or me."

"No clue."

I frowned at the table. I wanted to know what tipped them off, who they had been watching. It would make more sense if they had been watching Jared. He was the werewolf after all. But how did they even find out? The only people who know were Trevor and myself.

I looked up at him slowly.

"Hey now. We already went over this," he said sharply.

I knew we had, and I knew he hadn't given me reason not to trust him. Yet. Trust was just a fragile thing, hard to get and easily broken, especially amongst hunters.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Why were you asking?"

"I was just wondering if my dad knew, or if the hunters were watching Jared's house. His parents and sister are there."

I remembered the woman who I was fairly certain didn't like me. I was more worried about Alex though. I knew if anything happened to her that it would devastate Jared. Not like something happening to his parents wouldn't, but he was closer to his sister.

"What about my parents and sister?" Jared asked as he stepped into the kitchen, taking up the chair next to me. I felt his armrest across the back of my chair, so close but not quite touching me. I could feel the pull to just lean back and close that small distance, but I didn't.

"I was asking if Trevor knew if the hunters were watching your place. If they were, they may have sights set on your parents. You never went back yesterday, I don't think that would go unnoticed."

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