Chapter 16

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I could feel the weight of his hands on my shoulders and his eyes on me, but I couldn't look at him. The truth was, I was starting to fall apart. But it was starting to make sense, The Organization didn't get any results because it wasn't his family, it was only him. And apparently he'd hid himself well.

I could feel his hands trembling. I could feel the agony he was going through right now, but he couldn't really be in agony. He said I was his mate, that we were meant to be together, but everything I'd learned told me it wasn't possible.

"It's not possible," I said, echoing the words running through my mind.

"You say that, but what I feel right now, is more real than anything I've ever felt, Electra."

I wanted to tell him to stop, to stop saying my name and stop talking. I hated the way my body reacted to it, as if against my will it wanted to go to him. And yet I wanted to hear it again.

I had to do something, and yet I couldn't do anything. I knew what I was supposed to do. I was supposed to figure out some way to kill him without anyone seeing and without drawing any attention. That's what I'd been trained to do.

I felt the weight of the dagger in my hands but instead of the usual calm it instilled in me, I grew even more confused and uncomfortable. The dagger seemed to get heavier in my hand with each passing second until it just fell, clattering on the concrete at my feet.

Jared had taken it as a sign to step forward and he did, closing the distance between us again. The heat of his body washed over me as we were surrounded by the chilly night air. Another shiver ran through my body as I reacted to his closeness. That same reaction I'd had to him earlier.

I wasn't sure if the shiver was because of this supposed bond, or if it was my body reacting with my mind, a shiver caused by the disturbance within me of what he was.

"This isn't real," I whispered, still not looking into his eyes.

"You can try to say that as much as you want, but I know it is. Even now, you feel conflicted, but you couldn't kill me even if you tried. You don't want to."

"I kill monsters like you." My voice sounded weak and I hated it. I wondered if I said it enough, if he'd just leave so I didn't have to do anything. If he'd leave so my mind could have the chance to clear.

I felt his hands squeeze my shoulder slightly at the word monster and I regretted the word. Slightly. It's what he was, and yet I hated the way it hurt him. He was right, I couldn't kill him.

Whether what he was saying was true or not, I did feel something for him. I was a hunter, and I had feelings for a werewolf. If my mother could see me now, she'd be spinning in her grave. The way I was letting one of the things that killed her touch me would have her up in arms, I was sure of it.

That dirty feeling washed over me again and I couldn't reason it away. It was like there were two of me inside my body. The one that was trying to tell me that Jared was telling me the truth, that there was some sort of connection between the two of us. And the one that was telling me this wasn't right, that he was a creature of darkness and I was supposed to do to him what I'd done to every other of his kind before him.

Jared's hand touched the bare skin at my neck and I felt the sparks shoot through my body. It was like nothing I had ever felt until I met him, and I was sure it was nothing I would ever feel again. His warm hands ran down my cheek and arm before snaking around, sliding under my shirt and resting on the small of my back.

His lips were on mine, moving urgently as if he may never get the chance to do it again, which was highly likely.

My brain was screaming at me to push him away, he was a monster after all. A creature of darkness, of evil. He was a werewolf and I was supposed to do one thing to monsters like him.

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