Chapter 6 - The Storm

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Theo didn't believe that Asher was serious when he said the beast was real. It took quite a bit of persuading before she was willing to agree on an outing, leaving Asher to wait as she went to inform her parents with the promise that she'd be back later. This had the servant feeling guilty all over again. She was new to the village and didn't know very many people, yet she was kind and trusting enough to take him on his word. 

She didn't bring nearly as much as Becky had and he had to urge her to at least pack a lunch. In the end she only had a satchel full of bare necessities. Theo insisted this was all she would need and readily hopped onto Asher's horse. 

It was probably for the best since she didn't have a horse of her own, and Asher couldn't afford to rent an extra for their trip. At least with her meager luggage, his mare wouldn't suffer from the extra weight. 

Upon leaving the village, Theo seemed eager. Then about twenty minutes into the trip the woman began asking questions, becoming skeptical of her new friend's intentions.

"I told you, I'm taking you to see my friend to help break his curse." Asher responded, having purposely left out that his 'friend' was really the Prince. He didn't want a repeat of Becky who had only looked forward to the man's good looks and wealth. If she was willing to help a complete stranger with no prior knowledge to how rich and handsome he was, then it would be a nice surprise for later. 

"You mean to say you were serious?"

"Yes. Why else would I ask you to come out into the woods with me?"

The woman pouted, though Asher couldn't see it since she was facing away. "Never mind..."

"Don't worry. I won't let anything bad happen to you." He promised, this time more prepared for the beast's potential outbursts.

He may be small and scrawny, but so was Theo, and he was confident that he could drag her away before the Prince tried anything funny again.

"That's far from what I wanted." She murmured.


"Nothing!" She chirped, changing her disappointed tone. "I'm looking forward to the trip. How far away is it again?"

"A few hours. We should be there by noon."

"Oh is that all?" She huddled closer, rubbing against the man's chest. 

To keep them warm, Asher had brought along a large bear-skin cloak to shield them from the cold during their journey. The ends of the cloak were wrapped around his wrists, so as he held the reigns he also held up a layer of fur to shield Theo from the worst of the wind.

Every now and then he felt the woman lean back against him, probably for more warmth. He didn't complain, though he found it odd when she would randomly stroke his arm.

"You're such a good friend for doing this." She complimented. "Not many people would stick around after someone's been cursed."

"Why do you say that?"

"Think about it. The only people who get cursed are the ones who anger a powerful spellcaster. And if you stick around them, then that spellcaster may turn their wrath on you."

He laughed nervously, thinking of all the poor servants who had been cursed on behalf of the Prince.

Theo eventually dozed off for a portion of the trip, allowing Asher some peace and quiet, which was a nice change until the winds picked up. He decided not to wake her until he was back in the courtyard where she stretched, leaning back and smiling up at him.

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