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Scorpius's POV

I was barely out of the common room when I was called to the side by my dad. He looked slightly excited, yet sad. "Scorpius, I have news."

"What is it dad?" I walked over to him. 

"You know Rose? The girl you like and made nonexistent?"

I nodded. "Yeah, what about her?"

"You and her will be staying at the manor for Christmas." 


"Yes, but you must know something else. She has to miss out on the traditional Weasley Christmas gathering because of it, so she is really really sad. We are going to try to make her feel safe and welcome."

I instantly felt bad for being excited. "I'll try my hardest to make this the best winter she has ever had. By the way, why does she need to stay? I'm just wondering."

My dad looked at the ground and back to me. "Rose has been targeted by Delphi. Her parents wanted to keep her safe, so they asked me to take her in."

I started to feel lightheaded. I'm not as weak as my mum, but when I hear really really bad news I sometimes feint. My dad says that more likely than not, I inherited it from her. 

This was, unfortunately, one of the times I feinted. 

I woke up on a couch with my dad next to me. "You okay Scorp?" he asked. 

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"So, we need to discuss arrangements for when I'm at work."

We have enough money that my dad wouldn't have to work, but he trained to be a healer to help my mum and after she died, he went to St Mungo's and got a job there. Since then, he's been trying to undo our family's mistakes by helping people. 

"So, you and Sinestra need to help her adjust and feel comfortable while this blows over." (Sinestra is our houself)

"You got that?" I nodded. 

"That's good, Rose is coming home with us when we leave for home tomorrow. It'd do you some good to get a good night's rest."

I nodded and went to the Slytherin boy's dormitories with mixed emotions. Half of me was happy that Rose was coming, but the other half of me felt really bad for her. I hoped she would get comfortable and enjoy her time at the manor. 

I hoped. 

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