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Scorpius's POV

Recovery was... very boring, to say the least. But, having Rose there made me feel exponentially better. 

We kind of fell into a routine, of sorts. Wake up, get your blood drawn, eat breakfast, talk for a bit, take some visitors, get checked, take some more visitors, eat lunch, take a nap, take some more visitors, eat dinner, go to sleep. It was okay, I was just happy to be safe. Rose's parents were there almost all the time, and my dad was literally there all the time. 

Rose's POV

Scorpius was the one that got me through recovery. I am absolutely terrified of needles, and having my blood drawn daily was something I really didn't like, but Draco was understanding, at least. 

Ron's POV

Well then. (Sigh) My daughter had fallen in love with the one boy I told her she shouldn't fall in love with. I had mixed emotions. On the one hand, she had disobeyed me and completely ignored that I was her father. On the other hand, she was happier than I had ever seen her before. I decided that it was okay. 

Draco's POV

I was so glad that the two of them were safe! I really enjoyed taking care of them. 

Hermione's POV

I cried when I saw my baby girl that torn up after she was rescued. But, she was safe. When she woke up and started acting normally I couldn't have been happier, but I knew that Ron was struggling with the fact that his little girl had a boyfriend. 

Hugo's POV

I was so excited to finally have my sister back! 

Lily's POV

I won that snowball fight fair and square.... oh gosh I hope she doesn't ask to compete against me, Rose always beats her challengers!

Sinestra's POV

I had seen a lot of things as a houself, from covered murder plots to pizza dough that rises in ten minutes, but by far, the most interesting one was Mister Scorpius falling in love with Miss Rose. I had never cringed that many times in a month, but I had also never levitated mistletoe over two lovers heads, so I guess there's a first time for everything. 

Rose's POV

Sometimes, the best thing that ever happens to you comes dressed in the disguise of kidnapping threats from a crazy lady. 

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