Chapter Eighteen - The Storm Came With A Present

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Hey Turtles,

SNOW DAY!!!!!!! Exams got pushed back a day. I am choosing on if I am pissed or happy. I think more happy. <3 Please leave comments. I really like talking to you guys!!!

Love Stephanie

Stephanie's POV 

June 2, 2013

Rushing around my house I do my best to curl my hair properly so it looks good and put on the outfit Harry sent over early this morning. The box read Guess so I started to freak out a bit. I usualy don't wear expensice clothes unless it is to work so you can understand my current state of mind.

Placing the skirt and top in front of myself I hear the girls in the background talking about Harry. I ignore them until Eleanor comes up and slaps my butt.

Freaking out I grab my butt ready to question her but I stop when I see Jesy open her mouth. "Damn that is a big love bite over your boob." Jesy touches the bite with Alcohol so it can become disinfected. I whimper a bit which causes Jesy to put worried look her face. I on the other hand smiled thinking about how the pain was worth it.

The smile quickly disappears. "I don't know about Harry..." Turning to Leigh-Ann I give her a shocked look. She further explains herself by saying, "Well... If he give love bites like that then I don't know what he does when he is in the sack."

Turning to the girls I slip on my shirt saying, "Hey... Remember I gave him a love bite too... Plus I did not know I had a love bite until he told me. There was no pain at all when he gave me the bite...  When I gave him his love bite he had to tell me to stop since I was hurting him."

"Still you should be careful... That is what we are saying." I smile at Jade knowing they are just trying to help me but right now I don't want an over protective mother. I want friends who tell me to do stupid stuff so later in life when I look back and laugh. Stupid teenage moment alert!!!

The girls smile then jump on me. We all had a giant group hug but as we are hugging the door bell rings causing me to escape from hug. Screaming at the top of my lungs I race to the door. Once I get to the door I slam my body against. Eleanor calls after me, "Be careful Steph... We want you to alive for this date."

Smirking I open the door to find the guys. Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis all enter kissing me on my cheek. Last was Harry who picked me up in a hug. 

I felt like those girls in the movies. I felt so pretty.

Once Harry put me down I look at the boys who smiles like children while the girls do a fake smiles. "I am going to grab my purse and then we can go."

Everyone nods as their eyes follow me to the kitchen. Danielle and Eleanor follow me while the other girls stay behind to play with Mia, Luna and Artemis.

As I grab the money the storm starts."Steffi..." I turn to the living room to find Harry with Artemis in his arms. "When did you get pets?"

Jade replies to for me, "She got them to get over you Styles." I yell Jade's name causing her to shy away. Harry on the other hand put the cat down as he entered the kitchen.

Walking up to him look down whispering, "Sorry..." Harry pulls my chin up kiss my cheek softly. Smiling I grab his hand leading everyone outside of the apartment to the busy street of London.

"So where are we going?" I turn to Liam with a happy smile. Raising my hand I point north and start running. They all call after me but I just jester them to follow me and sure enough they are dumb enough to follow.

Rushing through the street of London for about minute or two we make it to our final destination. Stopping everyone crashes into me as they stare forward. Thorpe Park stood in front of us.

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