Chapter Three - Sick On My Day Off

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Stephanie’s POV

June 13, 2012

New workers always get the stupid hours. I have been working for about ten hours in a row with very short breaks and the thing is I can’t complain because of my stupid boss - or for a better word a donkey of a cousin - will fire me if I do. I honestly don’t know what I did to make him hate me so much but I wish I knew so that I could make things better. These hours I have been working are killing me but at least I have tomorrow off or so I thought.

As I walk home from Starbucks in my brand new white jeans and neon blue shirt I am already planning my day off. I was going to go clean my apartment, go check out some new shops in the mall and maybe I can go hang out with my friends but that all ended when I heard my Mickey Mouse ringtone.

Mickey Mouse whistling echoed threw the streets causing random people to look at me with theirs nose held high in the air. With their noses held high I saw each one of them judge me slowly as I stop in front of a Nando’s so that I could use the neon green sign light to see the screen of my phone.

When I am sure that I have the right amount of light so I can see I whipped out my Blackberry Curve seeing that Eleanor texted me. She is the only person with the Mickey Mouse ringtone so that is why I need to find a good place to read this text. The only time she texts me is when she needs something important. As I scroll threw my messages I see that she says, Steph please tell me u r done work! Love El.

Knowing that something was wrong I quickly turned around heading to the supermarket near Eleanor’s house. Once I am near the supermarket I text Eleanor back knowing that if I did not text her soon she would spam my cell phone. I typed on my phone, Yeah y? Is something wrong? Love Steph.

There are two things that could be wrong with Eleanor. She is really sick which means she has to go to the hospital or she is sick and she need to sleep it off. Either way my day off is not going to happen.

A couple minutes pass when I hear my Mickey Mouse ringtone again. Eleanor states, I am sick!! Can u go get me some medicine and my fav cookies? Love El. 

She is not that sick if she is requesting her favorite cookies.

Shaking my head I answer Eleanor with a, Be there soon!! Love ya! Love Steph. 

My pace starts to pick up when I was able to see the lights of the supermarket. Soon I am standing at the sliding doors of the supermarket. The doors slide open allowing me to rush over to the cookie aisle.

Alright let’s see what we have here. We have all the cookies known to man on the bottom and middle shelves while, of course, Eleanor’s favorite cookie is right on the top. I tried my best to reach the top of the shelves but nothing. Why do I have to be so short? As I pondered this someone came beside me went up and grabbed a box of cookies for me.

I came down from my tippy toes and looked up into this with light green eyes that looked extremely happy… Well, his eyes were always happy. I answer the happy eyes politely by saying, “Thank you Harry Potter.”

“No problem McLovin.” Harry hands me the cookie box but he stops midway then taking the box back. He looks over the cookie box then looking down at me saying, “You know these cookies are bad for you Steph. It is very high in sugar.”

I pressed my lips together almost doing duck face but quickly stop as I answer Harry.

“It is not for me but for Eleanor. She is…”

As I was about to finish my sentence I am interrupt by a voice I had heard many times when I listen to One Direction’s music.

My body spins around allowing me to find the rest of One Direction behind me along with Danielle and Perrie. Eleanor’s boyfriend, Louis, made intense eye contact when he said, “Eleanor is what??”

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