Chapter Fourteen - Runaway Bride To Be

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Hey People!!

Guess what!! Ashley and I finished the book!! There is a total of about twenty seven and we are going to do it like this. One chapter every week on Friday expect for Friday the 25 (Maybe). Then after the 30th I will publish a chapter everyday until the end. Sorry it is like this but it works around my work and exams so yeah!! Enjoy!!!

Love Stephanie

Stephanie'a POV 

May 1, 2013

Staring at Marcus I start to picture myself on the Internet looking at the FML website. I read through a couple of stories until I find one that fits me perfectly. Today, my boyfriend of ten years asked me to marry him by throwing his high school football ring at my eye which causes me to get a swollen eye. FML. Yup that sounds a lot like my story.

How the hell can a guy propose to someone like that? First, not asking me to marry him. I just get a ring from the half a pound store being thrown at me. Second, the reason he wants to marry me is idiotic. Marriage after five months because his horoscope and fortune cookie indirectly told him so. Like honestly what the hell?

"Marcus you can't be serious? We have only known each other for a couple months." Wow that was really rude but Marcus is not the smartest so I am just going to hope my calm tone is all he really heard.

Shaking his head he says, "I know what I am doing. We will go to Amsterdam and just elope. It will be easy plus I have the tickets ready. We can be married as early as tonight."

"Marcus we have known each other for five month maybe shorter. This is not a good idea." I grab my glass of wine and drink a bit to calm my nerves. I am an excellent drunk now that I think of it so maybe I drink more than my glass.

The cups of wine does not work since Marcus says, “I love you Steph. Your fit, I am fit so it works out... Come on. Plus I want to finally get into your pants. I am tried of cheating on you."

Splitting out my wine I give Marcus a look asking what the flack. I then looked at Harry who was texting someone. By the pressure found in the face that was trying to be hidden behind his curls I could tell he was not happy.

Ignoring Harry I look at Marcus about to speak when my cell phone rang. I ask Marcus for a second so I can read the message; don't say anything but tell Marcus work texted and you need to go. I look up to see Harry had already left.

"He was weird. Just getting up and leaving... So Steffi..."  

I look at Marcus with a pissed look because if what he called me but instead of saying anything about what he called me I said, "Elle called. They need me at work. Can we talk later?"

I started to get up and walk away from the table when Marcus calls after me saying, "Meet me at my apartment later?"

Nodding I rush outside running away from the restaurant. I did not care where I was heading but I need to get away. He asked me to marry... What? He also had everything in place which was the worst part. Running away to Amsterdam, really? I could not believe what I had just heard but my mind quickly forgot about everything when someone grabbed my arm.

I fell on the green wet ground that stained my clothes. I looked up for find Harry with both hands in his pants pocket not daring to offer me a hand to get up.

His eyes stare blankly at me as I try to get up but I am unable to move. I just look up and do my best not to cry. Harry's eyes had so much pain them it could kill the devil.

"What are you thinking Steffi?" I shake my head smiling a foolish smile. "Are you going to marry him?"

In my heart no was the correct answer but for some reason it was not the answer that came out. "I don't know... maybe?" 

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