Chapter Twenty Five - Letters

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I got some news.... I GOT ACCEPTED TO COLLEGE!!! I AM JUMPING OFF THE WALLS!!!! Now on a serious note the last chapter will be posted tonight around eleven or twelve.

Love Stephanie

P.S.  Oh no you didn't!!!! :P

December 1, 2013 to December 1, 2014

Letter #1

Dear Steffi,

It is day one... Only three hundred and sixty four to go. It has been about an hour since I dropped you off at the airport and I believe that I have gone crazy already. I had to have Liam carry me out of the airport since he was the only one who could get me away from the terminal. There may be some good pictures of the guys and I at the airport in the news tomorrow so I promise to send you a magazine that has the best pictures. So tell me how is the first day? I understand you are in Kenya for twenty five day. Tell me about it and also take pictures. I know you can since I got you that old fashion camera you want but were too cheap to buy. By the way yes I called you cheap but I love you and I can accept it. I love you Steffi and write back soon.

Love Harry XOXO <3

Letter #24

Dear Harry,

One day left in Kenya and I am so sad to leave but happy at the same time. I am going to miss all the children and adults of the site but at least I will be able to see you soon. I believe at least three hundred and forty one days. Soon we will see each other and I promise I will never let go. Tomorrow we are going to Madagascar to a place called Mahajanga. I am quite scared yet excited. I promise to take a lot of pictures. Speaking of picture I placed some more picture of Kenya with the old fashion camera as you call it and the new camera that you got me. Honestly you need to stop spoiling me. Write back soon baby. I love you with all my heart.

Love Steph XOXO <3

Letter #47

Dear Steffi,

Toliara is absolutely beautiful however, you are way more beautiful. I am glad to see you are having fun but that guy, Hunter. I understand his girlfriend is your mother's assistant but if he keeps putting his arm around you I swear I will fly to Madagascar and rip his arms off. Yes I am overprotective but it is good overprotective. Now I sent you a copy of our new album. It is not even out yet so I hope you enjoy it. The tour is starting soon as well. I promise to send you pictures. Now about your parents. I am glad your father is talking to you but your mother may be a bit harder to convince. Try doing stuff she likes. Ask to examine some physics equations or ask her to go have tea. Then while you do that just mention stuff to her about your life and after a while she will have to accept everything. I promise it will all work out and I will write but you better write back soon. I love you Steffi.

Love Harry XOXO <3

Letter # 74

Dear Harry,

On the flight to Brazil. I have not gotten you latest letter yet but when I get to Brazil I promise to read it. I am sure it is on my desk at my hotel suite. Now the main reason I want to write to you. Remember how My mom is finally talking to me like we discussed in my pasted letters. Well yesterday while writing my mother saw my desktop picture of you and I. She then smiled and started to talk about us. I had never seen her smile so much. I have never been so happy in my life!!! I love you so much Harry!!! Write back soon!!!!!

Love Steph XOXO <3

Letter # 99

Dear Steffi,

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