Chapter Five - Texting At A Night Club

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Hey Wattpaders... Sure!! What the heck?

How is everyone? I am freaking out! I am applying to colleges and unversities this weekend. Prayer I don't chicken out. Also I also upload because Stephaniex8495 or Stephanie (WE HAVE THE SAME NAME :P) ask if I could. So... here you go!! Please comment and vote so I know someone likes the books. See you next week. <3

Love Stephanie

Harry's POV

June 15, 2012

Waking up this morning and rushing over to the gym is the worst idea I have ever had. After the three hour workout I came home rushing into the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I turned the cold water on entering the shower right after. The water covered ever edge of my body cooling me down slowly. I have never worked out so much. Liam was certain that I would kill myself sometime during the workout since I was working out so intensely but no. I survived my workout but my body kills right now.

Soon I am exiting the shower cleaning the water off my body quickly putting on my red and white checkered boxers. Once the boxers were surely on I left the bathroom entering the kitchen so I can cook breakfast for Louis. As I start to gather the ingredients to make grilled cheese sandwiches I called Lou to the kitchen. "BooBear, I am making breakfast. Do you want some?"

"Coming Hazza!!" Noise from Louis' bedroom echoed through the apartment showing he just got out of bed. Louis appears out from his bedroom with his cell phone in his hand. That is why he stayed in bed for so long. Liam must have called him. "So Harry... Liam texted me." So Liam texted, at least I was close. "Liam said that you were working out really intensely today and he said that something on your mind. He did not tell me what so I am hoping you can tell me what you told Liam."

See that is why I like Liam. He is a really good person to talk to and he will always keep your secrets. As I thought of how Liam was such good friend I put the cheese sandwiches on the frying pan answering Lou with, "I just messed up last night."

Louis seats on the kitchen table questioning me. "You messed it up with whom?"

"Stephanie..." I flip the grilled cheese sandwiches with the spatula.

Louis' face becomes serious. "What did you do to her Harry?" Louis really has learned to love Stephanie these past few days. He treats her like a sister.

Looking at Louis I start to look back in my memory so that I could him what exactly happened. "Well last night my mother made a comment about how Steph and I would make a good couple. So I told my mom if Steph and I don't become a couple that she should not get disappointed. Stephanie agreed with me." Stephanie's shocked face ran through my mind. "So, on the car ride home Stephanie and I talked a bit more about our relationship status." I paused rethinking about what really happened. "Well... I talked about our relationship status and then I... I... I put Stephanie in the friend zone."

Louis remained silent as I finally finished up the sandwiches. I called his names a couple of time snapping my fingers in front of his face before he finally turns to me with a response of, "You fucked up Hazza..."

I turned to him while placing the sandwiches on the plate. "No shit Boo Bear."

Lou takes the plate in his hands nodding while quickly answering me with, "So what are you going to do?"

I turn to him saying, "If I knew that you think I be freaking out right now." I take a bite of my breakfast waiting for Louis to respond but he is interrupted by my phone ringing.

Elvis Presley's Burning Love entered the apartment causing Lou to start to laugh. Louis started to sing along till I pick up the phone remembering who I gave this ringtone too. Louis quickly takes the phone asking, "Who is that Hazza?"

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