I Think I Love You (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)

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  • Dedicated to Jayden- Happy 1st Birthday


Stephanie’s POV


From inside the school you could hear the sound of the rain hitting the roof. I was sure in any second that the rain would break through the roof and flood the entire school, but that is currently not important. I need to focus on my exam. I have about five minutes left and one question to finish.

I absolutely hate exams mostly because everyone thinks I cheat. I have a photographic memory so everything I have ever heard or read is permanently burned into my brain. I am also a fifteen year old girl - almost sixteen year old girl - taking an exam that belongs to student who should be graduating and going to university next year. I skipped a couple of years of school. Sorry, I am a genius note the sarcasm.

As soon as I finished the exams the teacher loud high pinched voice rang though the classroom. He said for everyone to put their pencils down since time was up. The class rumbled and booed which showed that none of the other students were finished the exam and I can understand why. This was a very difficult physics exam.

“Sir, give us a couple more minutes.”

The blonde girl at the corner started to bat her eyes hoping that she could get a couple more questions done. The teacher just shook his head causing her to mumble a couple of swear words under her breath when he told her test.

“Sir, this is the hardest class in all of Holmes Chapel. Can we please get a couple more minutes?”

Justin Bieber’s twin then tried to get a couple more minutes since he knew that he had the entire teaching staff wrapped around his fingers, meaning he could get anything he wanted. However, even he could not get a couple more minutes.

After Justin Bieber’s failed attempts a couple more students tried to convince the teacher for a couple more minutes but the answer was always no. Soon all the students had handed in their exams and all of them had failed to get a couple more minutes. The teacher then came to me to take my exam which was the last exam in the whole class.

He smiled a creepy and perverted smile while he asked, “How do you think you did Stephanie?”

I hated when teachers asked me that since I always told the truth and the truth always got me in trouble with my other classmates.

“I believe I did well Sir. It was a bit easy for me… Just a whole lot of question.”

My teacher nodded about to say something but was cut off by the sweetest girl in our class.

“No wonder the fat bitch thought it was easy. She cheated.”

The teacher turned and yelled but no one paid any attention to him.

A boy with sky blue eyes commented as well by saying, “Yeah… That fat hoe’s mother is a physicist and her father is a biologist. They must have done all the work for her.”

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