Chapter Twenty Two - Offered A Life Saver

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Hey Teddy Bear,

Someone hacked my facebook and wattpad!! First, how do you contact facebook to complain? Second, there may be some big changes happening to my fans so just warning!!

Love Stephanie

Stephanie's POV

November 7, 2013

I was late. No more than late. I was extremely late. I was surely going to be fired but thank God today was just due day. Due day is when all article out of all fifteen magazine I edit are due. Apparently I am wanted all over the world but no one honestly wants to keep me. I guess that they like to share me.

Locking all the doors to my flat I start to race to the street. Running a couple blocks I find the subway allowing my red dress to fly all over the place. Today was a really bad day for a dress since it was a day of rain, rain and more rain. The thing is I could hardly notice. I was late  work was the only thing on my mind. Well, getting to work.

Racing down the steps of the subway I get to the train entering right as the doors closes. I start to straighten out my dress when to my surprise the train cart was empty. The subway had never been empty before. Usually it was packed but today the only other passenger was the drunken man who would ride the train all day until he came to his senses or at least sobered up.

Grabbing whatever seat that I believed was clean I start to relax. Searching though my bag I find my phone. Going to my email application to make sure I sent myself the entire article folder that held all the edited articles. The article looked fine to my standards so maybe I will play Temple Run for a little.

"Hello?" An unknown number appears my screen in the middle of my run. As I fall off the rocks I start to think. I know my luck quite well so it is probably Harry calling me so he can freak me out.

A high pitch girl voice echoes though my phone, "Hey Steffi!!!" Harry really should not be allowed to buy application that may be used for phone call pranks. It is a waste of money... Sometimes. Sometimes it is funny.

"Harry I know it is you." The voice changer continues on laughing causing a blood curtailing voice to be heard until I make my voice monotone. "Harry... Seriously, I know it is you."

The laughing becomes normal, "Hey Steffi!! What are you up to right now?" Harry needs a new hobby but it has to involve me. I like it when Harry bugs me. It makes life interesting.

"I am in the subway trying to get to work..." Looking at the drunken man I keep my voice quite. "I may be late for work."

I wish I did not tell Harry that. "I kept you up way too late talking last night." His voice was sad. I did not want to make Harry sad. I feel like my soul is being torn apart when Harry's voice becomes sad.

Doing my best to turn the beat around I mention to Harry, "Yeah but I honestly don't mind. I like talking to you Harry."

His voice picks up causing a smile to curl upon my face. His happy voice continues on saying, "That's good because I am doing it again today. Expect my call tonight!!"

"Shit..." The train starts to slow down causing me to stand up. My stop was coming up. "I better go Harry. I am coming to my stop."

I could feel my heart breaking. I did not want him to leave. I would have rather talked to Harry all day but I need to focus on my career as well. "I better go too... I have to work on starting the new album with the guys but I wanted to tell you something. There is a party next week. You are my date no matter what."

"Really? Do I have too?" I start to sound discourage since I knew it would piss Harry off if I did.

"Yes and it is formal so you need a fancy dress. I will explain so more tonight when I see you..."

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