Chapter Thirteen - Five Month Engagement

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Hey People I Love

I wanted to say Happy New Year!! See you in the new year !!!! :D

Love Stephanie

Stephanie's POV

May 1, 2013

Exiting from the big Elle magazine building I throw my red hood from my favourite coat over my head so that the cold rain would not get me. Walking through London like Little Red Riding Hood walking to her grandmother I noticed the smell of Harry's cologne was still somewhat fresh on this coat after about the five months without him. Those were the most painful months of my life.

As I continue to walk I inhale the stale smell of Harry as my phone rings. It was my boyfriend Cave Man Marcus. We had been seeing each other since I left Harry. He was my distraction from Harry. I choose Marcus since I wanted someone different and sure enough I got that. Since we started dating he has cheated on me three times and slept with about twenty girls. None of those girls were me.

I end the call allowing the call to go straight to my voice mail. I could not handle talking to the Alpha Male right now. I was going to break up with him some time soon but to scared since I did not want to be alone. The worst part of it all is that it has been so long since I last saw Harry and I was still acting as if I left him yesterday. I would still watch videos on YouTube just to see his perfect smile or replay his solo in What Makes You Beautiful just so I could hear his voice. I am such a stupid love sick puppy who allowed her mother to control her life and is still allowing her to control her life.

Entering SYCO I remove the hood telling the lady in the ugly pants suit - that reminded of my mother - I would be taking the elevator up to my godfather's office. She nods allowing me to escape the almost painful experience of having an interaction with another human being.

Everything has been downhill since I left Harry. I never would go out to parties or even leave my apartment unless it was for my editing job at Elle and several other magazines. I had become a hobbit not allowing any type of human interaction to enter into my life. I honestly did not even expect to have a boyfriend. The only reason I know Marcus is because he is the photographer for Elle.

Entering Simon's office - rudely without knocking - I know he is not there since he is hardy ever in his office. Being correct I rush over to his desk starting to spin around in the chair. This lasted until I fell off the chair right at the time Simon was entering the hell of an office.

"You always were graceful Steffi."

Smirking I get up and lay on the sofa that over looked London. "Don't call me Steffi..."

Looking at the folder in his hand he tests my patience by saying, "Harry called you Steffi."

I feel the tears in my eyes start to form, "Harry still would be calling me Steffi if I didn't pull a Jewels..." I am such a stupid girl.

My voice cracking at Jewels which causes Simon to rush over and grab me in a hug. From what I know... I was the only person he hugged and that only happened when I cried.

"Hey Steph... Don't do this to yourself. You helped him. If it wasn't for you there would be no One Direction now or ever. Remember it is because of I put One Direction and Little Mix into a group." The memories of me forcing Simon and Nicole to put Louis, Zayn, Harry, Niall and Liam in a group came rushing back. My smile pops onto my face as the memory of me telling my godfather and Nicole why they would make a good band.

"They are all are great singers... And the boys are cute as well."

Smiling Simon stands me up saying, "You do remember... Now I have some paperwork for you to sign and the amount of money will be given to you if you allow us to publish your book."

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