Chapter Two - Dancing at a Retirement Home

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Harry’s POV

June 12, 2012

Eleanor and Danielle were very surprised that I was coming along with them to visit their grandmothers. For you see, when we pulled up to the Starbucks the girls where holding five drinks for all of us which caused me to think that they were fine with me coming. However, that changed when the girls got up quickly with surprised looks on their face. They would not move from the bench that was in front of Starbucks.

Once the girls stop staring at the car they quickly looked at each other then quickly looked back mouthing to their boyfriend, “Is he really coming?”

Louis and Liam kept nodding their head saying “Yes Harry is really coming” but the girls still did not get into the car.

After a couple of minutes of Louis or Liam getting out of the car to talk to their girlfriends as well as having a couple hundred fans recognize us, I had enough. I am at my breaking point when a couple of fans tried to break the car window to enter the car to get to me.

Having the angry take over my body I jumped out of the car with an angry look on my face causing fans to back away from the car. The girls came closer to the car wondering what I was doing. I quickly opened the passenger side door and the back door which is behind the passenger side door. The girls gave each other with a confused look but that quickly turned into a giggle when they saw my cheeky smiles.

Once they were done giggling I turned to them saying, “Ladies, it is an honor to accompany you both to the retirement home so we can visit you lovely grandmothers. Now Eleanor please enter the passenger side seat of the car so you can sit with your sweetie pie boyfriend Louis. Danielle please enter into the back of the car and sit in the middle seat so you can sit next to the player Harry Styles and you caring boyfriend Liam. I would like to get to the retirement soon before I am ninety and need to be in a retirement home myself.”

The girls walked over to the car and did as I said. I never notice how much they respect me. I never felt so mature. The girls usually treat me like a five year old when we are together but I guess they finally saw I am a man not a boy.

Entering the car I felt really good about myself until I turned to see everyone’s eyes on me. My smile quickly turned into a frown when I said, “What are you looking at?”

Danielle put her hand on my shoulder and did her sweet smile. She was about to get me pissed; I know this because of the smile. Her sweet smile was only used when she want to tell me something about myself.

 “Harry?" Danielle start to say, "Remember we talked to you last week about being a player?”

I made my face unreadable since I did not want to show my emotion; for you see the band believes I am a player since I enjoy one too many women but it is not my fault. Girls always fall for my British accent and flirty charm. I know this because I would always practice my flirting with my sister Gemma and her friend that passed away about two years ago. God bless that girl’s soul.

 I answered Danielle with a, “Yeah?? I remember? ”

They all looked at each other with excited looks like they had just found the cure for the common cold. It was really creepy.

When they were done looking at each other they all turned their head back to me allowing Liam to say, “You just complete the first step in your rehabilitation by saying you’re a player.”

I did my best smug look as I said, “I am not a player… I only said that so the girls would get in the car.”

Everyone’s eyes narrowed showing they mad at me. Like I said before everyone always call me a player because I go from one girl to the next but I don’t really care. I am not like most players so I can’t be considered a player. No sex just... Other things.

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