Chapter Sixteen - Fireworks In The Rain

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Hey Reader,

Nothing to say!  Love ya!! <3

Love Stephanie

Stephanie's POV

June 1, 2013

Getting ready in my apartment for a girls day out I trip over my two new kittens I recently adopted to get over Harry. One was a black female kitten named Luna and another white male named Artemis. Only true Sailor Moon fans will understand that part of the story.

Laughing as they run into the other room I follow as I throw a sun dress over my head allowing it to fall to a bit above my knee. I call to them so that I may apologize to the poor creates but I am interrupted by my Jack Russell puppy Mia. She starts to scratch my leg asking for another walk.

Shaking my head Mia runs away allowing me to enter the bathroom and finish straightening my hair. As I finish there is a knock on the door causing Mia to fly across the room to the front door. Luna and Artemis on the other hand run past me up their scratching post.

I yell, "Come in!!!" Allowing Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie to enter. Right away Mia jumps around causing me to yell at her. After yelling at her  Mia rushes to the sofa rolling around until she is belly down.

"Hey girlie, you ready to shop till you drop?" Perrie laughs as she starts to play with Mia.

"Yea I will be ready in a second."

I quickly step out of the bathroom revealing myself causing Danielle to be a butt like usual. "Whoa... Wait till Harry sees you."

Rushing out of the washroom I ignore Danielle as I head to the kitchen grabbing the cookie jar and taking out money I stored for shopping or a rainy day. I pull out a couple of pounds so that I buy only what I need and not what I want.

Placing the cookie jar away I mention to Danielle, "Harry had a girlfriend."

Shocked Eleanor rushes to my side turning me around as she tries to grab the cookie jar. As she grabs it I smack her hand as she says, "Oww... BTW Haylor are now separate." My face drops. Eleanor raises an eye brow to my shock. "You didn't know?" The tone of her voice was more like telling instead of asking.

I shake my head no causing both Danielle and Perrie to rush into the room while Mia rushes out of the room since she is scared by the crazed girls. The kittens on the other hand stayed and watched the girls explain everything.

It went a little like this:

"How are you so stupid? Did you not hear about any of the stories?" Eleanor.

"I heard Harry missed meeting to be with Taylor. The boys were not impressed." Perrie.

"Yeah... Because of that the boys don't want to hang out with Taylor." Eleanor.

"I think only Niall followers her twitter but the rest won't dare." Danielle.

"She does not even follow any of them on twitter including Harry." Eleanor.

"Guys can we stop?" Me.

"Taylor wrote fuck Directioners on her twitter then deleted that tweet a couple second later. She lost a shit load of followers because of that. All Directioners!!!" Danielle.

"Simon told me he is worried about Harry's career. Taylor may destroy it!" Perrie.

"Stop please!" Me.

"Also look at their photos together. Taylor is all over him smiling while Harry is sad looking like he is going to cry. " Danielle.

"Even Caroline Flack thinks Taylor is trying to do it so she can steal his fame... CAROLINE FLACK! You know something is wrong when a past girlfriend says something." Perrie

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