Chapter Fifteen - Drunk Love

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Hey People,

I may sound spoiled but... CAN SOMEONE PLEASE SEND ME AN ACCEPTANCE LETTER!!! I know it is way to early but please send me one!! PLEASE!! By the way Taylor Swift is in this chapter!! Sorry I liked Haylor... Somtimes!! Also I know the timing is off for the break up. I know in the book they break up end of May and reality they just recently broke up but too bad... Wow I am mean!! Love you all!!

Love Stephanie XOXO

Stephanie's POV 

May 2, 2013

Entering my apartment with the smell of alcohol from Marcus' beer surrounded me. The smell caused me to rush to the washroom and ripe of my clothes. Once I was there I looked at the mirror and saw the ugliest thing in the world. My hair was all tangled which match the eye liner that was smudged because of the poisonous liquid. I continued down looking at my chest. The memories of people judging me came rushing back to me. In everyone's eyes I was imperfect. I had a C cup which my mother defined as too big, a bump of stomach that the girls in my high school would call fat and hips that were so big that their only purpose was to bare children.

I slammed my hands against the sink as I screamed. Tears fell down my face but I ignored them when I enter the shower. Cold water was the only thing I allowed to come out of the tap since I was not worthy of warm water. I felt like dirt and dirt does not deserve warm water.

After shampooing a couple of times I exit the shower still smelling the beer in my hair. Ignoring that I storm out of the washroom and put on a clean neon blue bra and matching spotted panties. When I am changed I lay on my bed not caring that I was getting it all wet. I was too depressed to care about anything.

I want to die... No, I did not want to die. I did not feel suicidal. I believe my life is important for something. No, I just wanted to be alone... Not even alone. I wanted all my friend to gather around me and hug me tell me I was worth it even though I would deny every word they said. The one person I really I wanted was Harry. I wanted him to hold me and kiss me like old times. Not even that. I just wanted him in the same room as me so we could exchange oxygen with me.

Harry's POV  

Same Morning

The Audi can't go any faster. The pedal is going through the bottom on the car. I was sure I was going to break the pedal but it lasted until I got to Stephanie's flat. Rushing up to the apartment complex I found the cold rainy weather matched my idiotic life. Entering inside the irony continued when I find the elevator it broken.

Rushing pass the elevator I run up the stairs. Soon I hear my phone ring causing me to stop. In a helpless breath I start to pray. Please it be Stephanie! I ask hopefully, "Stephanie... Is that you?"

Liam's puzzled voice echoed in my ear. Frowning I slam my fist into the wall as he speaks. “Harry? What's up mate? You sound out of breath."

I stop to catch my breath, "Stephanie called me. Something is wrong. I don't what but I am going to find out." Hanging up the phone I continued to race up the stairs. I felt bad for leaving Liam in the dark but right now I need to focus on getting up the stairs before anything stupid happens.

As soon as I am done climbing about a million steps I rush though the hallway and bang on Stephanie's flat door. The door opens slowly without any assistants from a human being.

Rushing around the apartment I keep quiet until I find Stephanie in her bed. She only had a bra and underwear on. I walked up beside her I look over at the stress pill bottle that was never opened. Smiling I start to pet her heads knowing Stephanie was to smart to kill herself. Looking up from the pillow I could see she had been crying. I pulled her into my arm causing her cries to become murmurs. Through the murmurs I could hear her yell about how she thought about taking the pills but she then thought of me and did not take the pills. The worst part was when she pushed me away yelling she did not want me to see her crying.

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