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  • Dedicated to Ashley!!

Hey Readers,

Enjoy this chapter and see you in the next book!!! Thank you and love you all!!! <3 Comment so I know if you liked it or not. Also remember it does not matter if he or she loves you because I love you! <3

Love Stephanie


Stephanie’s POV

December 1, 2013

The baggage belt keeps going around in circles in an empty airport. I understand it is early Monday morning but I expect at least a couple other flights to be here but no. It is my mother, my father, the assistants and I who inhabit the airport. My father and I are so tempted to jump on the belt and ride it around until our luggage come.

“Come on Steph… We won’t get in trouble since no else is here.” Following my father’s lead I hand one of the assistants my phone. I have about five minutes of my father and I riding the belt until our luggage finally came out of the opening in the middle of the island found on the belt.

Jumping off the belt I quickly send both Gemma and Harry the video since I know they would probably get the most out of the video.  Once most of the luggage is here we are force to wait some more for my mother luggage. Of course being the children we - being my father, the assistants and I –  jump on the belt again.

As we sit and wait some more we start up the conversation. Now my father being a butt has to make sure I was getting to my apartment safely. “So Stephanie is Harry driving you home tonight?”

Shaking my head I answer with, “No… Gemma is driving me home. Harry has to work but I will see him later tonight.” The assistants start to elbow me a bit but my father… My loving sweet father is much different.

“So are you finally going to do the nasty?” Right are my father says this we pass my mother. Her face goes from serious to laughing as she whips her hand around hitting my father in the arm. “Lesley!! It is better if we know if she is sexually active instead of one day getting a phone call saying congratulations your grandparents.”

Covering my mouth I bury my face into Gabe’s shoulder trying to hide the embarrassment. “Dad can I remind you that I am unable to have children.”

“To correct you Stephanie the doctor don’t understand you reproductive system. So you probably can have children but for some reason the test say something different every time you take them. One test yes you can have kids the next test no you can't. It is honestly annoying.” About to correct my father I am pushed off the belt onto the hard floor by my mother’s oversized luggage.

Having the luggage fall on top of me I quickly kick it off to find my father had videotaped the whole conversation we were having on the belt using my phone. Then with quick fingers I see him start to type. When I finally reach him he had sent me being pushed off the belt to Harry and Gemma.

Grabbing my mother luggage I place it on her cart grabbing my one bag. You see I am smart. I was the only who brought one piece of luggage and a nice purse that fits my cameras and iPhone on this trip. So while we were traveling I had less to carry while everyone had a shit load to carry. I feel so smart!

Walking out of the terminal I am in deep conversation with Gabe until we stop. I hug all the assistants since we has become good friends on our travel and then my parents. As I hugged my mother I heard Gemma’s excited voice echo through the terminal. Turning I see Gemma running over to me as she pushes random strangers to the floor. When she finally gets to me she almost pushes me to the floor but I stand my ground. “Gemma you going to break my back…” She releases me but I am too happy to see her so I grab her in another hug. “I missed you girlie!!”

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