Chapter Eleven - Escape From Alcatraz Airport

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Hey Everyone,

I got my wisdom teeth removed. I felt fine until the freezing went away. It is so much pain. Enjoy the new chapter!

Love Stephanie

Stephanie's POV

Mid November

Throwing books all over the floor I start to feel the stress enter my body. I was sure any second I would snap but eye on the prize Stephanie. If you just finish the next couple of exams and you can run away with the boys.

Alright question ninety. I read aloud, "Determine the best strategy for each player in the following two-player game. There are three piles, each of which contains some number of coins. Players alternate turns, each turn consisting of removing any (non-zero) number of coins from a single pile. The goal is to be the person to remove the last coin." What the hell this? I absolutely hate physics!!

As I start to scream I throw the heavy physic book at the wall hoping that it will tear in half. Maybe then I don't to study for that stupid physic exam.

Honestly, I don't know how people do it. Physics is a such a unbelievable subject. If I had to do it for the rest of my life I will surely explode. Thinking about this I bring my knees to my chest placing my head on the top of my knees. I could feel my eyes water.

Soon I start to whimper causing Harry to wake up and find me. I feel his large hand grab my shoulders causing me to jump. Turning I forget about my tears and look at Harry.

His deep voice says his nickname for me "Steffi..." in a sweet tone causing me to fall onto him. Wrapping his arms around me I rest my head on his shoulder tainting his bare shoulder with my tears.

"Harry go to bed. I will be fine. Just a couple more minutes of studying and I promise to go to bed after." I escape his grip rushing back to the physics book I just threw. I open the book but I am unable to even read the stupid book because of the tears in my eyes.

Harry stands up saying , "I thought you said you would go to bed before midnight?" I nod not removing my eyes from the book. "Well... It is about two in the morning."

I could feel my body scream asking for sleep but I still read the stupid book until a miracle happens. Harry places his chest on my back wrapping his arms around my body so that he could close my book. I do not want fight with him at that point. Harry picks me up and carries me to bed.

As he places me on the bed I see him walk around the bed. We had done this every night since exams started. He wanted to make sure I was alright for the three weeks of testing however, I need to focus. Harry walks around the bed laying on his side. Smiling Harry gives me on last look before closing his eyes.

"Harry?" His eyes flutter open. "Harry, I ..." Harry covers my mouth with his lips. I could feel how swift and gentle his lips were on mine. The best part was how I responded. Usually my tongue is in knots but not today. The kiss was perfect and warmed me up completely.

Harry removing his lips from mine so we could finally breathes says, "I love you Steffi." My heart drops! I was just going to apologize for waking him up but I am glad he said this. I had been waiting for this for a long time. Mostly my whole teenage life.

"I love you too Harry."

Stephanie's POV

November 25, 2012

Eleven o'clock at night. I throw my mother's baggage on the conveyer belt wondering if she had gone over her bag's weight limit like usual. By the way she is fighting with the airport clerk so I am guessing yes she did you over her limit. Soon the final piece of luggage was been taking away and my mother grabs my arm leading away from the airport clerk's desk. I guess she won and did not have to pay for the extra weight fee. I never doubt my mother's negotiation skills.

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