Chapter Seven- Getting In Trouble At Starbucks

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Hey People From Earth,

Enjoy the the new chapter and check out this video for One Direction's I Wish. It is amazing!!! Please go watch and like the video. It is amazing!!!

Love Stephanie

Harry's POV

June 17, 2012

Leaving Stephanie's flat I shook my hair which is still wet from the shower I toke this morning. While I pass store windows I looked to see that I was still frowning. Last night I stayed at Stephanie's flat like I said before but when I woke up I found her no where to be found. Now Stephanie and I did nothing last night in bed but before we entered the bed we shared a moment. A moment that was so amazing that I knew I would never feel that way again. So waking up this morning without Stephanie in the same bed really broke my heart.

However, I do not want to focus on what happened last night since it may led to emotions I honestly do not want to feel right now. Right now, I want to talk to Stephanie about last night to straighten everything out. So as you can guess I am heading to Starbucks to talk to Steffi about what happened last night. It is almost lunch so I hopefully Stephanie and I can talk in the afternoon.

As I walk down the streets of busy London fans swarm but keep there distance. I guess they notice that I am on mission impossible. Entering Starbuck I wave goodbye to the fan raising my hopes knowing that Stephanie is just through that door. The hopes get even higher and higher until they are shattered into pieces in just one sharp movement.

To my surprise I find Stephanie flirting with Nathan Sykes from The Wanted. Nathan, the jerk that is only going after Stephanie because she does not want him or so I thought. The worst part is that Stephanie is biting her bottom lip, laughing at what I am guessing are crap jokes and being all flirty like. I must be going crazy or at least imagining all this. Stephanie only bites her lip for me and that it final.

"Hey Steph... Nathan... What are you guys doing?" With one swift movement both Nathan and Stephanie turn to face me. Nathan looks at me with a cocky look on face which disgust every fiber of my being while Stephanie has eyes locked on me. Stephanie's eyes clearly look like she had been laughing since they were all teared up.

As I continuously stare at Stephanie I see her laughing express become serious with a smile that looked like it was hiding a secret. With a chirper voice I hear Stephanie squeals, "Harry!!" Quickly turning to Nathan she hands him a coffee cup and whispers politely, "Can I have a minute? I really want to talk with Harry." Nathan nods smiling while he quickly grabs his coffee cup from Stephanie's hand. Nathan walks away after leaving the store turning a corner so that he is no longer in view.

Ignoring Nathan I turn to Stephanie who was smiling like crazy. This smile I had seen millions of times as a child. It was her in love smile which she only got when she had a crush or thought someone was cute. The problem was that I ignored the smile. Honestly I was too pissed. Watching Stephanie's smile I saw that she was coming closer to me while saying, "Hey Love, you're up early? Also we might not want to get too close since some of your fans are watc..."

Interrupting Stephanie I threw my hand over her mouth so that she would not speak anymore. Her voice right now was like nails on a chalkboard. My hand still on Stephanie's mouth I ask quietly, "Steph why are you talking to Nathan?" Removing my hand I see Stephanie's smiles turns into a blank expression with her mouth open like she had no idea what I was talking about.

Shaking her head Stephanie says, "What?" What? WHAT!! Like she does not even know what I am talking about.

Slamming my hand on the counter I raise my voice from a whisper to a harsh tone, "NATHAN IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU. WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO HIM? ALL HE WANTS TO DO IS GET INTO YOUR PANTS." Through the sentence Stephanie starts to hush me like she is embarrassed but honestly she is trying to calm me down. Her hard work does not work since I continue on yelling at her not caring about how people are watching us.

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