Chapter 20

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A/N Hey my fellow Gladers? What's uppppppp? Besides the sky, of course. What should I call the random fact of the day? How about penguin? Yeah, penguin. And the penguin today is that I have brown hair :) How about next time I tell you when I'm from? That way you can imagine my accent reading the authors note? This chappy is dedicated to @DivergentTribute1264 for being an awesome comment genie! Yes, I just said genie. Deal with it bruh. Lol, anyways, here's chapter 20!


The next day was Teresa, Amy, Emily and Marie's day to go lilly searching. They looked all day with the other people with them, and yet they saw nothing. This will be harder than I thought, Teresa thought to herself. They came back earlier than the boys did, only because one of their team got injured.

They returned to hill where everything seemed calm for once. People were building, children were laughing, and Minho was pressed against the hospital window, spying on Frypan and and a member of the tribe with his binoculars.

The girls went to their boyfriends, who were (apart from Minho) playing tag. It was adorable. They dedicated to pull a Minho and hid behind the tree. But the boys still found them after Thomas ran head first into it.

Thomas fell back and put a hand on his head. "Well hello ladies. Mind helping me, Ter?" He asked Teresa, giving her the baby seal eyes. She sighed. No-one could resist the eyes. Teresa helped him up, kissing the lump on his forehead. "Damn, you hit that hard didn't you?" She exclaimed. He chuckled, "Yeah, but I can't help it if all trees love me. They bump into me and blame it on me, I'm telling you!" They both laughed.

"Hey, where did the other shanks go?" Thomas observed. Their friends had disappeared from sight. "Hey guys, I know your watching us! So beat it!" Yelled Teresa. A few "awe!"s could be heard all around as they slowly revealed themselves. They walked away, finally leaving the two alone.

"Let's just sit for a while." Said Teresa, plopping herself down on the grass, pulling Thomas down with her. The couple sat and stared over the hill. "You know, even if we only have a month, I'm glad we're here." Teresa said, laying her head down on Thomas' lap.

"So am I. It's nice to have a little peace." Thomas responded. He stared playing with her hair, twisting it into a braid. He secured it with a vine from the ground. "Wow, you're better at braids than me!" Teresa laughed, pulling it over her shoulder.

"I really love your hair. The colour especially." Thomas told her. "Well I really love you." She said. He was going to say "I love me too!" But that would've ruined the moment. So instead, he simply answered "I love you more." And it was true. At least, to him. But they both loved eachother as much as the other, which was more than anyone else.

That got up for dinner, making their way up to the hall. Their friends were all sat at the big middle table, including Frypan and the tribe member. She had soft, tan skin, with beautiful blue eyes. Her hair was down and curly, dip-dyed an electric blue.

She smiled an award winning smile at Thomas. "Hi, I'm Crystal. I already know who you are." She said, her whiny voice making Teresa cringe. She instantly felt jealous. "She's my girlfriend." Said Frypan happily. Not so sure she'll be loyal, thought Teresa, as she's currently making puppy eyes at Thomas.

Thomas felt uncomfortable. Crystal was obviously flirting with him. She kept moving closer and closer to him, saying things like "Is it hot in here? It always seems hot when you're around me." The last straw came when she put her hand on his thigh.

He stood up and grabbed Teresa's hand, making Crystal become unbalanced and fall onto his chair. "Frypan, control your ladyfriend." He said firmly, before marching away. "That shank better leave us alone." Thomas said, making Teresa smile slightly.


Sorry this took so long to get up! I had a party plus a sleepover. But I got it done, so that's that. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment what you thought, private message me suggestions for the next one!
Until next time!
- LivingLovelyLies

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