Chapter 9

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A/N Hey people! How you doing? *crowd roars* great then! Okay, here's chapter 9 my lovelies!


It was a full day before Teresa finally woke up. She had a pounding headache and little to no memory of what had happened. She looked around her and realised she was in some sort of hospital room. She sat up and everything came flooding back to her.

She felt extremely upset that she couldn't talk to Thomas, but deep down, she knew it was for the best. Who knows? Next time they might hurt him, and she didn't want to even think of that happening. She got out of bed, walking outside. There was a lot of people running around, all of different age groups. Some were shouting orders, while the majority ran around with wood and nails and other building supplies. Guess it was a busy day.

She spotted Minho through the commotion and he ran up to her, looking concerned. "Hey, what happened yesterday?" He asked her. Teresa bit her lip. "I just felt light headed, that's all." She lied. Minho didn't look like he believed her at all. "Tell me the truth, slinthead. I got the whole hill runnin' around needing herded like a bunch of damn sheep, plus your little boyfriend nagging at me over whether or not you're awake yet, so please, just cut the crap." He said, folding his arms. She just sighed. "Minho, that is the truth. Just stay out of it, okay?" Teresa was about to walk away when he stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"Why aren't you talking to Thomas? Whatever, I don't care about the why. He's been through hell Teresa. We all have, but him especially. I just think he deserves a little light in his life. You have to speak to him." Minho said, and Teresa took a deep breath. "Minho... I just can't." And with that, she walked away, leaving Minho pondering on the reason, still suspicious of Aris but not enough to be willing to bring it up yet.

Teresa met up with Marie, Emily, and Amy over by one of the shacks. "Hey T, what's up?" Amy asked her. Teresa plopped down and leaned her head on her hands. "Well, besides waking up, nothing much. I'm fine." Emily looked at her as if she could see right through her. "Come on, we all know that's not true. Tell us what's bothering you."

Teresa just shook her head. "I want to tell you, I really do. But I can't." "But w-" Started Amy, but Teresa interrupted her. "I just can't, okay?" Reluctant but understanding, they left the subject, instead talking about the plans for the hill.

Thomas was sitting in a tree, watching over the area. He could see some of his friends running around, placing and building. He could see Teresa as well, sitting with her friends. It saddened him. One minute she had been normal, the next a completely different person.

He concluded that something must have happened while he was sleeping that changed her.

Minho suddenly ran up to the tree. "Thomas! I think you might want to see this!" Thomas climbed down and ran after Minho, who had taken off in a sprint. They ran on until they reached the Flat Trans. Thomas wasn't expecting who was sitting there in front of it.

Lying on the ground, out of breath, was Brenda.


Ohhhhhhh Brenda's back! What'll happen next? What will this Thomesa shipper write next in this book? Find out next week (or whenever I post it) on LivingLovelyLies.
......Okay, that was weird. Hope you liked this chapter! Tell me what you thought in the comments or private message me suggestions for the next chapter!
Thanks for reading, my Gladers.
- LivingLovelyLies

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