Chapter 26

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A/N Hello Gladers! I've got a killer sore head, but I'll try to update for you :) The penguin of the day is that my birthday is November 12th! This chapter is dedicated to @abbyalexander7 for being aMAZEing! Get it? Seeing as it's in capitols, I'm guessing you did. Whelp, here is chapter 26!


The blue-haired woman lead the couple through twisting corridors, making Thomas' attempts to remember his way back impossible. They soon stopped at a pair of large wooded doors. "Go on." She said, smiling. "They're waiting for you two."

They walked inside to see all of the other immunes there. Newt noticed them immediately and tapped Minho on the shoulder. Together they walked towards Thomas and Teresa. "Hi Tommy. Hi Terry." Said Newt happily. Minho folded his arms, a smirk on his face. "Heard you collapsed today Shank." He said, sniggering.

"Yeah, but I didn't realise I did. I had a weird dream about a control room, and falling, but there-" before Thomas could finish his retort to Minho, The blue-haired lady stepped up to the platform that was at the front of the hall. She tapped the microphone in her hand a few times and the room grew quickly silent, everyone waiting to hear what she was going to say.

"Hello everyone! My name's Summer, and I'm here to teach you how to fly! Well, me and my team." She pointed to the three people beside her. Summer passed the microphone to the first person.

"Um, hi everybody. My name's Sally." Said the red haired girl. She passed the microphone along to the other girl. "I'm Kat." She said shortly, passing the microphone to the boy quickly. "And I'm Alex." He said with a note of finally. He passed the mike to Summer again.

"Well, now you know the team. Before we get started, does anyone have any questions?" She looked at the crowd expectantly. Minho raised his arm. "Yes Minho?" She asked kindly. He looked mildly surprised that she knew his name. "Why do we even need to learn to fly? What are we doing?" He asked.

Alex looked bored. He grabbed the mike from Summer. "Well, Meanhoe, or however you pronounce your stupid name, you are flying because that's how we plan to disperse the cure. We'll fit it into the bottom of the Berg and it will sprinkle into the air. Just a whiff of this stuff is enough to cure anyone instantly."

"Woah, woah, woah, did you just call me Meanhoe?!" Minho looked angry. He started rolling up his sleeves and walking towards the stage. "You little bitch, I'll show you-" he was cut off by Newt putting a hand over his mouth and dragging him back, Thomas with him. Minho licked his hand to get it off, which worked. But he did get a slap from Newt.

"As I was saying." Said Summer firmly. "We are starting the lessons today. So come along!" She skipped off, her co-workers behind her. And the immunes followed.


A/N It was horrible, I know. I'm sorry. Oh, and did you see what I did for the co-pilots? If you spotted it, I love you. But I love you all anyway. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment what you thought, private message me suggestions for the new one!
Ta ta for now!
- LivingLovelyLies

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